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LI PASS Web Configurations

envstringSDK environment, test is used for the test environment
For more information, see Retrieve cluster information
gameIDnumberGame IDRequired
appIDstringApp ID, ACCOUNT_APP_ID assigned by Player Network ConsoleRequired
WebIDstringWeb ID, Get from Player Network ConsoleOptional
configobjectAdvanced configurationsOptional



If configurations for LI PASS web have been created in Player Network Console, most parameters in config can be selected in Player Network Console and does not need to be configured manually. Configurations in Player Network Console takes precedence over config.

isMobilebooleanWhether to display the mobile interfaceOptional
Default: false (display PC interface)

If Layout type is set to Custom configuration in Player Network Console, the value of isMobile should be set dynamically by determining the device environment.
socialListstring[]List of supported third-party login channels
such as facebook, twitter, google, apple, line, steam, epic, ps5, discord, vk, twitch, qq, wechat
Default: []
socialParamsobjectAdditional configurations for third-party loginRequired for Apple, Kakao v3
Default: {}
renderModestringDisplay mode
inline: Normal mode
modal: Modal mode
Default: inline
loginWithCodeobjectConfigurations for verification code loginOptional
Default: { enable: true, registerType: 'manual'}
loginWithPwdobjectConfigurations for password loginOptional
Default: { enable: true, registerType: 'manual'}
procedureSwitchobjectProcedure switchesOptional
Default: { region: false, adultStatus: false, agreement: false, registerPassword: 'onDemand'}
crossGameLinkbooleanWhether to enable account linking across multiple gamesOptional
Default: false

Currently not available in Player Network Console
serviceIntrobooleanWhether to include a link to the LI PASS service introductionOptional
Default: false

Currently not available in Player Network Console
langTypestringDefault language, see Language list for more detailsOptional
Default: en

Not supported in Player Network Console


appleAppIdstringWeb app ID for AppleRequired for Apple
platformnumberSpecifies the login method for Garena
1: Garena
3: Facebook
8: Google
10: Apple
11: Twitter
Optional for Garena
kakaov3AppIdstringKakao app IDRequired for Kakao v3
kakaov3JsKeystringKakao Javascript keyRequired for Kakao v3


enablebooleanWhether to enable verification code loginOptionaltrue
registerTypestringRegistration type
manual: Only manual registration is allowed
auto: Unregistered users will be automatically registered
disabled: Disable registration


enablebooleanWhether to enable password code loginOptionaltrue
registerTypestringRegistration type
manual: Only manual registration is allowed
disabled: Disable registration


regionbooleanRegion switch, affects the display of adultStatus and agreement

false: Region information is not required during registration, and is not verified during login
true: Region information is required during registration, is verified during login, and additional input will be required if information is incomplete
adultStatusbooleanAdult status switch, dependent on the state of the region switch and has no effect when enabled by itself

false: Birth date or age verification is not required during registration, and is not verified during login.
true: Depending on the selected region, birth date or adult declaration is required during registration, is verified during login, and additional input will be required if information is incomplete. Not displayed if the selected region is outside of compliance requirements.
Default: false
agreementbooleanAgreement switch, dependent on the state of the region switch

Basic agreements: Terms of Service [Required], Privacy Policy [Required], subscription to marketing emails [Optional]
Region-specific agreements: Data Transfer Notice [Required] (EEA/Switzerland, except the United Kingdom), subscription to nighttime marketing email [Optional] (South Korea only)

false: Agreements are not displayed during registration, and user consent to the agreements is not verified during login.
true, region=true: Depending on the selected region, all relevant agreements are displayed during registration, and user consent to the agreements is verified during login. If the user has not consented to the required agreements, additional consent will be required. Optional agreements are shown to users only once per website.
true, region=false: Only basic agreements are displayed during registration, and user consent to only the basic agreements is verified during login. If the user has not consented to the required agreements, additional consent will be required.
Default: false
unrestrictedRegionstring[]Remove restrictions for regions that are restricted by default
An array consisting of the three-digit region code, for example: ['356']
Default: []

Currently not available in Player Network Console
registerPasswordstringPassword setup mode, affects loginWithPwd
When the user attempts to log in with a password, if password has not been set before, a popup will be shown to prompt the user to set a password or to log in with a verification code.

disabled: Password setup is not required during registration, the interface to set up password will not be displayed.
required: Password setup is required during registration, the step cannot be skipped.
onDemand: Password setup is optional, the user can decide whether to set up password during registration.
Default: onDemand