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If you were looking for the method for use with Unity, see GetTokenIDResult for Unity SDK.

Get ID token from QueryIDToken cache result.

Function definition

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "INTLSDKAPI")
static int GetIDTokenResult(FINTLIDToken& id_token_result)

Input parameters

id_tokenFINTLIDTokenThe data structure that is initialized and return with the ID Token for PlayFab authentication.

Code sample

FINTLIDTokenResult result;

Return value

Returns FINTLIDTokenResult.

FINTLIDTokenResult: Takes the FINTLAuthResult data structure to construct QueryIDTokenResult

IdTokenFStringPlayer Network SDK unique OpenID

FINTLAuthResult: inherits from FINTLBaseResult and contains authentication information.

OpenIDFStringPlayer Network SDK unique user ID
TokenFStringPlayer Network SDK user token
TokenExpireint64Token expiration timestamp
Example: 1600844518
FirstLoginint32Whether it is the first login of the user
-1: Unknown
0: No
1: Yes
UserNameFStringUser defined nickname
0: Undefined
1: Male
2: Female
BirthdateFStringReturns empty, collection of player birthdate is not allowed according to compliance requirements
PictureUrlFStringProfile avatar URL
PfFStringpf value for Midas payments
PfkeyFStringpf key for Midas payments
NeedRealNameAuthboolWhether real-name verification is required
ChannelIDint32Channel ID
ChannelNameFStringChannel definition
For more information, see Channel definition
ChannelInfoFStringThird-party channel authentication information (JSON string)
BindListFStringLinking information (JSON string array)