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How to Obtain INTL logs

With INTL logs, the Player Network SDK team can help to identify the bugs or problems faster and more accurately. The naming convention of an INTL log file is INTL_YYYYMMDDHH.log. For example, INTL_2021060113.log.


LOG_LEVELLog level
0: Debug
1: Info
2: Warning
3: Error
Default: 3
LOG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT_ENABLEWhether to output console logs
0: Disable
1: Enbable
Default: 0
LOG_FILE_OUTPUT_ENABLEWhether to output implementation logs
0: Disable
1: Enbable
Default: 0

For more information, see Config SDK Log.

Enable Unity C# logs

INTLAPI.isDebug = true;

Obtain INTL logs (Android)

SDK V1.7 and later

Obtain INTL logs with Android Studio

  1. Connect the device to your PC and open Android Studio.

  2. Locate the device under the Device File Explorer window in Android Studio.

  3. Locate the logs from the sdcard/Android/data/your_game_bundle_name/files/log folder.

  4. Right click the required log file to open the file menu.

  5. Click Save As to save the file.

    Image: Log acquisition process debug

Obtain INTL logs with adb command

adb pull "/sdcard/Android/data/your_game_bundle_name/files/log"

SDK V1.6 and earlier

Obtain INTL logs from debug version of APK

  1. Connect the device to your PC and open Android Studio.

  2. Locate the device under the Device File Explorer window in Android Studio.

  3. Locate the logs from the /data/data/your_game_bundle_name/files/INTL/log folder.

  4. Right click the required log file to open the file menu.

  5. Click Save As to save the file.

    Image: Log acquisition process debug Android Studio

Obtain INTL logs from release version of APK

The data folder of the release version APK is not directly accessible. Therefore, go to the Android Studio Logcat window then filter with “INTL” for INTL logs.

Image: Log acquisition process release Android Studio

Obtain INTL logs (iOS)

Obtain INTL logs with Finder (SDK V1.9 or later)

  1. Connect the device to your PC and open Finder.

  2. In the left navigation bar, select the correspoding device.

    Image: Log acquisition Finder 1

  3. Open Files > INTLSample and copy the INTL folder to a local folder.

    Image: Log acquisition Finder 2

  4. The INTL logs are available from the local /INTL/Log directory.

    Image: Log acquisition Finder 3

Obtain INTL logs with Xcode

  1. Connect the device to your PC and open Xcode.

  2. Go to Window > Devices and Simulator and select your device.

  3. Click Reveal the device console to view the logs.

    Image: Log acquisition Xcode

Obtain INTL logs with Console

  1. Connect the device to your PC and open the console.

  2. Select your device, and click Start streaming to view the logs.

    Image: Log acquisition Console 1

  3. In the Process column, right click the process name of your app to open the file menu.

  4. Click Show Process ‘process name’ to filter out logs of other processes.

    Image: Log acquisition Console 2

Obtain INTL logs (Windows)

Obtain INTL logs with Windows Game Engine Editor

Player Network SDK V1.11 and earlier

Log path: Project_Path/INTL/log/

Player Network SDK V1.12 and later

Log path: C:\ProgramData\INTL\log

Obtain INTL logs with Windows EXE

Player Network SDK V1.11 and earlier

Log path: your_exe_path\your_project_name_Data\Plugins\INTL\log

Player Network SDK V1.12

Log path: C:\ProgramData\INTL\log

Player Network SDK V1.13 to V1.15

Logs will be stored at the SetDefaultSharedStorage of the Shared Storage.

If not configured (not recommended), logs will be stored at C:\ProgramData\INTL\log.

Player Network SDK V1.16 and later

Logs will be stored at the SetDefaultUserStorage of the Shared Storage.

If not configured (not recommended), logs will be stored at %ProgramData%\INTL\{game id}\{application name}\.

Obtain INTL logs (PS5)

Obtain INTL logs with Target Manager

  1. From the Home tab, click Apps > Console Output.

  2. Click Open log directory to open the directory where the log files are stored.

    Image: Log acquisition PS5 Image: Log acquisition PS5

Obtain INTL logs (Xbox)

Obtain INTL logs with Xbox Manager

From the main menu of Xbox Manager, click xbWatson to gain access to the debug logs.

Image: Log acquisition Xbox