Automatically Collected Fields
Common fields of Player Network SDK data reporting
Field Name | Type | Description |
comm_c_gameid | string | Game ID |
comm_c_client_source | bigint | Not applicable after Player Network SDK version 1.17 |
comm_c_session_id | string | Session ID |
comm_s_ts | bigint | Server timestamp |
comm_s_date | string | Server date |
comm_s_hour | bigint | Server hour |
comm_s_dt_event_time | string | Server event time |
comm_s_client_ip | string | Client IP |
comm_s_country | string | Country |
comm_s_province | string | Province |
comm_s_city | string | City |
comm_s_carrier_id | string | Carrier ID obtained by the server based on IP |
comm_c_openid | string | Username ID |
comm_c_create_ts | bigint | Client production timestamp in seconds |
comm_c_send_ts | bigint | Timestamp when the client sends logs to the backend |
comm_c_event_name | string | Not applicable after Player Network SDK version 1.17 |
comm_c_dis_channel_id | string | Not applicable after Player Network SDK version 1.17 |
comm_c_os | bigint | Operating system type |
comm_c_os_version | string | Operating system version |
comm_c_sdk_version | string | SDK version |
comm_c_network_type | bigint | Network type |
comm_c_carrier_id | string | Client device carrier identifier Android: Yes iOS: Yes Windows: No |
comm_c_bundle_id | string | Application package name Android: Yes iOS: Yes Windows: yes, but INTL_PACKAGE_NAME is needed to set in INTlConfig.ini, or it will be empty string |
comm_c_app_version | string | Application version Android: Yes iOS: Yes Windows: No |
comm_c_channelid | bigint | Login channel ID |
comm_c_device_model | string | Device model For iOS devices, refer to iOS Device Model |
comm_c_device_brand | string | Device brand |
comm_c_screen_width | bigint | Screen width |
comm_c_screen_height | bigint | Screen height |
comm_c_mac_addr | bigint | Not applicable after Player Network SDK V1.17 |
comm_c_cpu_name | string | Device CPU name |
comm_c_cpu_core | bigint | Number of CPU cores |
comm_c_cpu_freq | bigint | CPU frequency Unit: kHz |
comm_c_gpu_name | string | GPU name |
comm_c_ram_total | bigint | Total memory space Unit: MB |
comm_c_rom_total | bigint | Total storage space Unit: MB |
comm_c_android_id | string | Not applicable after Player Network SDK V1.17 |
comm_c_android_imei | string | Not applicable after Player Network SDK V1.17 |
comm_c_android_adid | string | Google ad ID |
comm_c_xwid | string | Non-zero, even Xuanwu device ID (Android/iOS/Windows), for compatibility with versions before V1.21 |
comm_c_new_xwid | string | Standard Xuanwu device ID (Android/iOS/Windows), in use since V1.21 |
comm_c_xwid_flag | string | XWID device ID debug flag, used for troubleshooting or countering cyber attacks and phishing attempts |
comm_c_ios_idfv | string | Not applicable after Player Network SDK V1.17 |
comm_c_ios_idfa | string | iOS device advertising identifier |
comm_c_language | string | Language code in ISO 639 rule |
comm_s_country_code | string | Country code |
comm_c_adjust_uaid | string | Adjust uaid |
comm_c_appsflyer_uaid | string | Appsflyer uaid |
comm_c_firebase_uaid | string | Firebase uaid |
comm_c_facebook_uaid | string | Facebook uaid |
comm_c_create_ts_ms | bigint | Client production timestamp in milliseconds |
comm_c_store_channel | string | Multi-store package channel number |
comm_c_application_name | string | Application name reported on PC UA |
comm_c_root_info | string | Root and jailbreak detection, with a value indicating the reason for jailbreaking, added in V1.17 |
comm_c_emulator | string | Emulator detection, with a value indicating emulator usage, added in V1.17 |
comm_c_language_info | string | Not applicable after Player Network SDK V1.17 |
comm_c_client_region | string | Client region code in ISO 3166 standard |
comm_c_guestid | string | Guest ID |
OS (comm_c_os)
comm_c_os | Description |
1 | Android |
2 | iOS |
3 | Web |
4 | Linux |
5 | Windows |
6 | Nintendo |
7 | Mac |
8 | PS4 |
9 | XboxOne |
10 | PS5 |
11 | XSX |
Store channel (comm_c_store_channel)
Requires extra configuration to take effect, see Channel Packaging.
comm_c_store_channel | Description |
0 | App store |
1 | |
2 | Samsung |
3 | Huawei |
4 | Xiaomi |
5 | Oppo |
6 | Vivo |
7 | Transsion |
8 | Onestore |
9 | Aptoide |
10 | Amazon |
11 | Uptodown |
12 | Apkpure |
100 | PC Official Website |
101 | Steam |
102 | Epic |
1001 | Switch |
1002 | PS4 |
1003 | PS5 |
1004 | Xbox One |
1005 | Xbox Series X|S |
Device network type (comm_c_network_type)
comm_c_network_type | Description |
-1,0 | Unable to retrieve network type |
1 | Not connected to the network |
2 | Wi-Fi |
3 | 2G |
4 | 3G |
5 | 4G |
6 | 5G (Added in Player Network SDK V1.17) |
7 | Wired network |
8 | Mobile network, but cannot be identified as a specific generation (Before Player Network SDK V1.17, network type under 5G was represented as 8) |
Device language (comm_c_language)
For more information, see ISO 639 Locale (Java Platform SE 8)
Login channel (comm_c_channelid)
comm_c_channelid | Description |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | Guest |
4 | |
5 | GameCenter |
6 | |
9 | |
10 | Garena |
13 | Nintendo |
14 | Line |
15 | Apple |
19 | VK |
20 | Xbox |
21 | Steam |
22 | PS4 |
24 | Epic |
26 | Discord |
27 | PS5 |
28 | Twitch |
29 | Facebook Instant Game |
30 | DMM |
32 | SE |
33 | Supercell |
35 | Kakao Game V3 |
36 | Kakao Game V2 |
37 | Ubisoft |
38 | Zing |
39 | PGS |
40 | EA |
41 | NintendoV2 |
12 | Trovo Custom Account |
25 | Sharkmob Custom Account |
>50 | Custom Account |
131 | LI PASS |
Frequently used tables
Funnel analysis
Funnel analysis primarily refers to game funnel events, including default reported events and business-custom reported events. The main data source table is insight_1000_funnel
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common fields |
l1_event_name | string | Level 1 event |
l2_event_name | string | Level 2 event |
stage_time | bigint | Stage duration |
error_code | bigint | Stage error code (as defined by the business) |
Account Analysis
Account analysis primarily refers to LI PASS funnel events, source table: insight_200_li_monitor
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common fields |
user_email | string | User email |
source | bigint | Reporting source (deprecated) |
report_tag | string | Reporting process identifier |
method_id | bigint | Event ID |
method_name | string | Event name |
ret_code | bigint | Event result code |
ret_msg | string | Event result information |
third_code | bigint | Event third-party result code |
third_msg | string | Event third-party result information |
reserved_1 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_2 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_3 | string | Reserved field |
extra_json | string | Reserved field |
reserved_4 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_5 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_6 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_7 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_8 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_9 | string | Reserved field |
reserved_10 | string | Reserved field |
source_stack | string | Reporting source |
API reporting events
Data source table: insight_1000_monitor
, primarily contains data related to Player Network SDK monitoring, monitoring events that call the Player Network SDK interface.
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common field |
seq_id | string | Log tracking ID |
method_id | string | API ID |
method_name | string | API name |
channel | string | Channel name, such as Facebook, Google, and so on. |
extra_json | string | Extended field |
ret_code | string | Player Network SDK error code For details, see intl_error.h , which is meaningful only when stage=end . |
third_code | string | Error code returned by the third party Meaningful only when stage=end |
ret_msg | string | Player Network SDK returned information Meaningful only when stage=end |
third_msg | string | Error message returned by the third party Meaningful only when stage=end |
stage | string | API call status begin: indicates the call end: indicates the callback |
core_version | string | INTLCore version |
Network request events
Data source table: insight_1000_http
, records all HTTP request events related to Player Network SDK, used for troubleshooting network issues.
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common field |
seq_id | string | Log tracking ID |
url | string | Request URL |
response_body | string | Returned package Meaningful only when stage=end |
ret_code | string | Player Network SDK error code For details, see intl_error.h , which is meaningful only when stage=end . |
third_code | string | Error code returned by the third party Meaningful only when stage=end |
issue_time | string | Time spent requesting network library statistics Meaningful only when stage=end |
stage | string | API call status begin: indicates the start of the request end: indicates the end of the request |
Plugin events
Data source table: insight_1000_plugin
, reports Player Network SDK plugin information, such as the version numbers for plugins like Facebook, Twitter, Adjust, common modules, WebView.
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common field |
intl_plugin_name | string | Player Network SDK plugin name |
intl_plugin_version | string | Player Network SDK plugin version |
intl_thirdsdk_name | string | Third-party SDK name |
intl_thirdsdk_version | string | Third-party SDK version |
System sharing clicks
Data source table: insight_1000_system_share
, reports the clicks of SDK system sharing.
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common field |
name | string | Callback name of the system share item that was clicked |
package_name | string | Package name of the system share item that was clicked |
Key node events
Data source table: insight_1000_log
, reports SDK monitoring data and key node log information.
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common field |
log | string | Key node log |
seq_id | string | Log tracking ID |
UA reporting for Windows
Data source table: insight_1000_in_app_launch
, used for PC UA attribution, reports the PC launch events when the game is opened on a PC.
Name | Type | Description |
intl_common_info | intl_comm_info | Common field |
sys_lang | string | Language code for ISO 639-1 rules |
channel_uid | string | UID of Steam |
client_timezone | string | An integer representing the offset in minutes between UTC and the current user's time zone. UTC = local time + time zone Example: Beijing time is -480 |
ua_intelligence_ip | string | Client IP address |
ua_intelligence_user_agent | string | Browser userAgent |
ua_intelligence_long_attribute | string | UA data long code |
ua_intelligence_short_attribute | string | UA data short code |
ua_intelligence_error_code | string | Error code returned when short code obtains long code |