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OpenID and UID

Game OpenID

Game OpenID refers to the unique identifier of a player in a specific game. Each game account has one and only one OpenID, regardless of the number of characters the player has in the game.


UID is the unique identifier of a player on a specific channel (such as Google, Apple, Facebook, etc.), provided by the channel provider, and used to identify the player's identity on the channel.

Linking rules

  • The same game can be linked to different channels:
    The same game OpenID can be linked to multiple different channels. Users can log in to the game through any UID (such as Google and Apple), and the system will recognize the same OpenID and load related player data.

  • The same channel can only be linked to one UID:
    For the same login channel (such as Google), each game OpenID can only be linked to one UID. Even if the player has multiple accounts in the channel, only one can be linked.

  • Linking guest accounts to other login channels:
    For games that allow guest login, a game OpenID will be generated when the guest logs in. When the player later chooses to link a social account or other channel, the channel ID will be linked to this game OpenID, and subsequent players can log in to the game through the linked channel account.