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Install Unreal Engine SDK for Console

UE4.21 - UE4.27 & UE5 - UE5.4

As most console games are developed using Windows, the installation directory of the game cannot contain the English character semicolon (;), otherwise the game will not be able to find the necessary DLLs and the game will fail to run.

Version Requirements

For Nintendo Switch, Switch Nintendo SDK >= 18.3.1

For PlayStation 5, PS5 SDK >= 9.00.00

For Xbox Series X|S, GDK version >= 231003



The version of each SDK plugin used by the game, including the version used by the game launcher, must be consistent. If games require access to multiple versions of Player Network SDK at the same time, or if only one component needs to be upgraded, reach out to the Player Network representative.

  1. Get a login account from Player Network.
  2. Create a new project.
  3. [Optional] Invite users to join the project.
  4. Download the SDK.

Step 1: Install the SDK

1. Add Player Network SDK to your project

  1. Unzip the SDK package.

  2. Copy the INTLSDK folder to the Plugins folder of your project.
    If your project does not have a Plugins folder, create one.

  3. Open your project's {Project Name}.Build.cs file and add Player Network SDK to Unreal Engine by following the below example.

    public INTLSample(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target)
    PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] {
Player Network SDK package
│ ├─INTLSDK.uplugin // Player Network SDK plugins description files
│ ├─Resources // Player Network SDK resources
│ └─Source // Player Network SDK plugin modules. Each module contains its own Build.cs file, libraries, and interfaces.
│ ├─INTLApple
│ ├─INTLConfig // Player Network SDK configurations
│ ├─INTLCore // Player Network SDK Core module
│ ├─INTLDiscord
│ ├─INTLEpic
│ ├─INTLFacebook
│ ├─INTLFoundation
│ ├─INTLGoogle
│ ├─INTLKakao
│ ├─INTLLine
│ ├─INTLSteam
│ ├─INTLTwitter
├─LevelInfinite // LI PASS APIs
└─Symbols // Player Network SDK symbol table *.so files
| ├─INTLCore.Build.cs // INTLCore Build.cs file
| ├─Libs // INTLCore libraries for different platforms which contain dll, lib, and other binary files.
| | ├─Android
| | ├─include
| | ├─iOS
| | ├─MacOS
| | └─Win
| ├─Private // Player Network SDK private folder
| └─Public // Player Network SDK public interfaces
| // INTLSDKAPI.h: Player Network SDK APIs
| // INTLSDKPluginObserver.h: Player Network SDK observer classes
| // INTLSDKPluginDefine.h: Player Network SDK data types
| // INTLSDKOutputUtility.h: Player Network SDK utility to process callbacks
| // INTLSDKBaseUserWidget.h: Player Network SDK base class for UserWidget which includes registration and deregistration APIs
| ├─Configs // Player Network SDK configurations for different platform
| | ├─Android
| | | └─INTLConfig_APL.xml // Player Network SDK Android gradle configuration file
| | ├─iOS
| | | └─INTLConfig_UPL.xml
| | ├─Resources
| | | ├─APASConfig.ini // APAS device level configuration file
| | | └─INTLConfig.ini // Player Network SDK main configuration file
| ├─Encrypt
| ├─INTLConfig.Build.cs
| ├─INTLConfig.uplugin
| ├─Private
| ├─Public
| └─Resources

2. Player Network SDK Configuration


When INTLConfig.ini is modified manually, reach out to the Player Network representative to confirm if configuration changes meet expectations, see SDK Config Information for more information.

Follow the instructions in INTLConfig.ini to configure accordingly.

3. Initialize the SDK

Before implementing any Player Network features, initialize the SDK first.


Step 2: Verify that Player Network SDK is successfully connected

  1. Modify the configuration under the INTL Log node in the INTLConfig.ini file.
[INTL Log]
  1. Run the program, integration is successful when Init INTL SDK success. can be found in the log.

Now that the Player Network SDK has been successfully connected, you are ready to start building your project.

We recommend using the following services with Player Network:

  • Refer to our Authentication tutorials for a list of third-party identity providers you can incorporate into your project.
  • See Social for more information on the various social features that can be used to improve player interaction.
  • For instructions on how to configure in-game announcements and push notifications, see Engagement.
  • See Data Insights for ways to collect and report telemetry data.
  • Check out Tools & Utilities for a list of convenient tools provided by Player Network, such as Deep Link and WebView.
  • Depending on your countries/regions of release, determine the Compliance Services that may be required for your project.

Alternatively, gain access to all of the above features and more by simply adding LEVEL INFINITE PASS to your project.
Regular users can follow the streamlined workflow for standard solutions that work on most games, while more advanced users can begin customizing their project with minimal integration involved.

For more information, reach out to the Player Network representative.