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Data structure

INTLAccountResult:Inherits from INTLBaseResult, include login information.

ProfileAccountProfileAccount Profile
ChannelIDintChannel ID
ChannelstringChannel name
SeqIDstringData stream serial number
UsernamestringUser defined name
UidstringUser UID
TokenstringUser login token
ExpiretimelongToken expire time
IsRegisterintWhether the user is registered
0: False, 1: True
IsSetPasswordintWhether password is set
0: False, 1: True
IsReceiveEmailintWhether to receive marketing emails
0: False, 1: True
VerifyCodeExpireTimelongVerification code expiration time
CanBindintWhether the account can be linked
0: False, 1: True
IsUserNameAvailableintWhether the username is available
0: False, 1: True
PpAcceptanceVersionstringPrivacy Policy version
TosAcceptanceVersionstringTerms of Service version
PpAcceptanceTimelongPrivacy Policy acceptance time
TosAcceptanceTimelongTerms of Service acceptance time
HasGameSaccUidboolWhether the current email is registered with a custom account UID
HasGameSaccOpenIdboolWhether the current email is registered with a custom account OpenID
HasLiUidboolWhether the current email is registered with an LI PASS UID
HasLiOpenIdboolWhether the current email is registered with an LI PASS OpenID
NeedNotifyboolWhether to prompt the user to upgrade to LI PASS
UserAgreedGameTosstringVersion of Terms of Service the user accepted, pass empty if not accepted
UserAgreedGamePPstringVersion of the Privacy Policy the user accepted, pass empty if not accepted
UserAgreedLiPPstringVersion of the LEVEL INFINITE PASS Privacy Policy the user accepted, pass empty if not accepted
userAgreedLiDtstringVersion of the Data Transfer agreement the user accepted, pass empty if not accepted
UserAgreedLiTosstringVersion of the LEVEL INFINITE PASS Terms of Service the user accepted, pass empty if not accepted
UserAgreedGameDMAstringVersion of the DMA Advertising Notice the user accepted, pass empty if not accepted
UserAgreedReceiveEmailNightintWhether to receive nighttime marketing emails
AvatarInfostringLI PASS avatar list
AvatarURLstringLI PASS avatar URL of the user
AvatarNamestringLI PASS avatar name of the user
ComplianceStatusInfostringLI PASS compliance status of the user
PointsInfostringLI PASS rewards information of the user