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Upgrade to V1.18

The SDK 1.18 has been upgraded to support purporse strings when requesting sensitive permissions, in line with iOS permissions requirements. Now, when permissions are requested, the system informs the user of the purpose of the request. Additionally, this update has streamlined the iOS information property list file within the INTLConfig plugin for Unreal Engine, simplifying the configuration process.

For a full list of updates, see the V1.18 Release Note.

What's the impact

Games that request access to protected resources without providing purpose strings will not pass Apple's App Review. Therefore, for games trying to release on the iOS platform, upgrading to this version of the SDK is necessary. This will allow them to add the purpose strings for sensitive permissions requested by the SDK.

What's changing

Action required


Before modifying the default purpose strings, ensure to consult with the legal team to verify that the contents remain compliant. If the default purpose strings accurately explain the games' purposes for accessing sensitive information, simply replace INTLSample with the appropriate game name.

  1. In Assets/INTLSDK/Editor/XUPorter/Mods~/INTLCoreKit.projmods, modify the values of the following keys to reflect the actual purpose strings, or simply replace INTLSample with the appropriate game name.

  2. In Assets/INTLSDK/Editor/XUPorter/Mods~/INTLADTrackingKit.projmods, modify the values of the following keys to reflect the actual purpose strings, or simply replace INTLSample with the appropriate game name.


What you must know

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