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The queryUserInfo API is used to get user information of an LI PASS.

Request Parameter

uidstringLI PASS user authorization tokenRequired
openidstringLI PASS UIDRequired

Request Sample

).then((res) => {

Response Parameter

retnumberReturn code
0: Request success
!=0: Request failure, see msg for detailed return message
msgstringReturn message
account_typenumberAccount type
1: Email
2: Phone number (currently not supported)
birthdaystringUser birthday
emailstringUser email
expireint64Expiration time of the token
Unix time
is_receive_emailnumberWhether to receive email notifications
1: Receiving
others: Not receiving
lang_typestringLanguage type
For more information, see Language Type Definition——Custom Account
nick_namestringRepeatable user nickname for display
privacy_policystringPrivacy policy version
privacy_update_timeint64Time of latest privacy policy update
regionstringISO 3166-1 numeric code for country or region
For example 156 for China, 040 for Austria
terms_of_servicestringTerm of service version
terms_update_timeint64Time of latest term of service update
uidstringLI PASS UID
user_namestringUnique username used for login
seqstringSequence number of the message in the data stream
phonestringUser phone numer
phone_area_codestringPhone area code

Response Sample

account_type: 1,
birthday: "2000-01",
email: "",
expire: 1638494026,
is_receive_email: 0,
lang_type: "en",
msg: "Success",
nick_name: "nick",
phone: "",
phone_area_code: "",
privacy_policy: "1",
privacy_update_time: 1638196548,
region: "156",
ret: 0,
seq: "1638194050-0180225865-002725-0000292413",
terms_of_service: "1",
terms_update_time: 1638196548,
uid: "xxx",
user_name: "username",
username_pass_verify: 1,