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If you were looking for the method for use with Unreal Engine, see AddLocalNotification for Unreal Engine SDK.

For Android devices, it is mandatory to configure ANDROID_LOCAL_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE in INTLConfig.ini.

Local notifications are customized by users, saved locally, and triggered by time.

When the time set is earlier than the current time, the notification will be displayed immediately.


The message structures of Android and iOS are different.

Function definition

// Add local push notifications
public static void AddLocalNotification(string channel, INTLLocalNotification localNotification);

// Clear local push notifications
public static void ClearLocalNotifications(string channel);

Input parameters

channelstringChannel definition
For example: "Firebase"
localNotificationINTLLocalNotificationLocal notification body


The callback processing interface is PushResultObserver. The callback data structure is PushResult.


Code sample

INTLLocalNotification message = new INTLLocalNotification ();
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
message.FireTime = Convert.Toint(ts.TotalSeconds) + 5;
message.AlertBody = "INTL Push iOS test";
message.AlertAction = "INTL Action";
message.Badge = 2;
message.RepeatType = 1;
Dictionary<string,string> userInfo1 = new Dictionary<string,string>();
userInfo1["key1"] = "value1";
Dictionary<string,string> userInfo2 = new Dictionary<string,string>();
userInfo2["key2"] = "value2";
message.UserInfo = new List<Dictionary<string,string>>();
INTLAPI.AddLocalNotification (INTLChannel.Firebase, message);
INTLLocalNotification message = new INTLLocalNotification();
message.NotificationID = 0;//
message.ActionType = 1;
message.SoundEnabled = 1;
message.Lights = 1;
message.Vibrate = 1;
TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
message.FireTime = Convert.Toint(ts.TotalSeconds) + 5;
message.Title = "INTL Push Android title";
message.Content = "INTL Push Android content";
message.TickerText = "INTL Push Android ticker text";
message.ActionParameter = "com.intlgame.demo.xxxActivity";
message.RingUri = "android.resource://intlgame.demo/raw/ring_file";
message.SmallIcon = "drawable_name";
INTLAPI.AddLocalNotification (, message);

Data structure



Member Variable NameTypeDescription
ActionTypeintSet action type
1: Open activity or app
2: Open browser
3: Open Intent
4: Open app through package name
NotificationIDintSpecifies the notification ID; when a notification with the same ID has already been displayed, the older notification is overwritten
TitlestringSet message title
ContentstringSet message content
TickerTextstringSet ticker text content
ActionParameterstringWhen ActionType=1, ActionParameter can be the class name of the in-app activity.For example: com.intl.TestActivity.
When ActionType=2, ActionParameter is a URL. When the user clicks the notification, this URL is directly opened in the browser.
When ActionType=3, ActionParameter is a serial Intent.
When ActionType=4, ActionParameter is the app package name.
FireTimelongSets the notification trigger time, long type (timestamp in UTC time, units: seconds)
SoundEnabledintWhether to play sound
0: False, 1: True
Default: 1
RingUristringSpecifies the in-app sound (raw/ring.mp3), for example: android.resource://intlgame.demo/raw/ring
SmallIconstringSpecifies the small status bar icon (test.png)
For example: test
LightsintWhether to light up
0: False, 1: True
Default: 0
VibrateintWhether to vibrate
0: False, 1: True
Default: 0



Member VariableTypeDescription
Specifies the notification ID.
When a notification with the same ID has already been displayed, the older notification is overwritten.
RepeatTypeintPush resend cycle
1: minutes
2: hours
3: days
4: weeks
5: months
6: years
Default: 0, indicates no resending
FireTimelongLocal push trigger time
AlertBodystringPush content
AlertActionstringReplace popup button text
Default: Enabled
UserInfoList<Dictionary<string,string>> Custom parameter, can be used to identify push notifications and add additional information
AlertTitlestringShort push description