Compliance Callback Information (ComplianceResult)
Data structure
INTLComplianceResult: Inherits from INTLBaseResult, including the user's minor status, whether the user is verified, and the configuration for the country/region of the user.
Member Variable | Type | Description |
AdultStatus | int | Determines whether the user is an adult. -2: Below the minimum age of game rating; cannot access the game. -1: Minor 0: Not set 1: Adult |
ParentCertificateStatus | int | Whether parental authorization has passed -1: The parent refused to authorize 0: The parent did not perform verification 1: The parent has authorized 10: Parental authorization in progress, only for email verification 11: Verification failed, only for credit card verification |
ParentCertificateStatusExpiration | string | Earliest time to perform the next parental authorization after being rejected Unix timestamp The timestamp is only returned for email and credit card verifications. |
EuUserAgreeStatus | int | Whether the EU player consents to data transmission to non-EU regions -1: Refuse 0: Not set 1: Consent |
CountryCode | string | Mappings of three-digit country codes to two-letter country codes (games can ignore this) |
AdultAge | int | Age of majority according to country/region |
AdultAgeMap | string | Age of majority according to platform for South Korea |
GameGrade | int | Game rating standard according to country/region Default: 0 |
GameGradeMap | string | Game rating standard according to platform for South Korea Default: 0 |
CertificateType | int | Verification type for the country/region of the input parameters. Use the default verification type if no value is found. -1: Unknown 0: No verification required 1: Self-verification 2: Credit card payment verification 3: Email verification |
AdultStatusExpiration | string | Time until next verification after a successful verification The returned time is calculated from the date when the birthday is submitted, not from when the verification is passed. |
TS | string | Current timestamp (games can ignore this) |
IsEEA | bool | Whether currently it is an EEA country. |
Region | string | ISO 3166-1 numeric code for country or region For example 156 for China, 040 for Austria |
NeedRealNameAuth | int | 0: Real name authentication not required 1: Real name authentication required |
RealNameAuthStatus | int | 0: Real name authentication failed 1: Real name authentication passed |
NeedVoiceControlParentCert | Whether parental authorization is required for social feature controls 0: Not required 1: Required | |
NeedVoiceControlIngame | Whether social feature controls is required in-game 0: Not required 1: Required | Important |
NeedVoiceControl | Whether social feature controls is required 0: Not required 1: Required | |
VoiceControlStatus | Authorization status of social feature controls -1: Messaging feature denied by parent (Messaging scope set to Nobody) 0: Unauthorized 1: Authorized for all 2: Authorized for friends only | Important |
Code sample
AdultStatus: 0,
ParentCertificateStatus: 0,
ParentCertificateStatusExpiration: 0,
EUUserAgreeStatus: 0,
NeedRealNameAuth: 1,
RealNameAuthStatus: 0,
CountryCode: "",
AdultAge: 18,
AdultAgeMap: "{\"1\":18,\"10\":18,\"11\":18,\"2\":18,\"3\":14,\"4\":14,\"5\":18,\"6\":18,\"7\":18,\"8\":18,\"9\":18}",
GameGrade: 16,
GameGradeMap: "{\"1\":14,\"2\":14,\"5\":14}",
CertificateType: 0,
AdultStatusExpiration: 0,
VoiceControlStatus = 0,
NeedVoiceControl = 1,
NeedVoiceControlIngame = 1,
NeedVoiceControlParentCert = 1,
TS: "1599534934",
IsEEA: false,
Region: "410"
MethodId: 924,
RetCode: 0,
RetMsg: "Success",
ThirdCode: 0,
ThirdMsg: success,
ExtraJson: "{}"
Age requirement for South Korea
If the player is not from South Korea, use AdultAge
and GameGrade
to determine the age of majority or game rating standard for the country/region.
When querying for the compliance information of a player, extra steps will have to be taken if the player is from South Korea, due to requirements from the South Korean government. As such, AdultAgeMap
and GameGradeMap
will be used to determine the age requirements of the specific device platform being used.
OS | Platform |
1 | Android |
2 | iOS |
5 | PC |
6 | Switch |
10 | PS5 |
11 | Xbox |
For example, the age of majority for PC will be AdultAgeMap[5]
, while the game rating standard for PC will be GameGradeMap[5]
int adultAgeInPC = AdultAgeMap[5]
int gameGradeInPC = GameGradeMap[5]