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If you were looking for the method for use with Unreal Engine, see UpdateCountryList for Unreal Engine SDK.

Configure the countries/regions to be displayed or hidden on the country selection page.
This interface is only available for V1.07 and later, in case of versions earlier than V1.07, see LEVEL INFINITE PASS.
Among them, the 999 country code represents other countries and regions.

Function definition

public static void UpdateCountryList(string[] allowList, string[] blockList)

Input parameters

allowListstring[]Countries/regions allowed to be displayed.
ISO 3166-1 numeric code for country or region. For example, 400 for Jordan.
blockListstring[]Countries/regions blocked from being displayed.
ISO 3166-1 numeric code for country or region. For example, 400 for Jordan.

Code sample

string[] allowArray = new string[] {"496","400"};
string[] blockArray = new string[] {"400"};
