If you were looking for the method for use with Unreal Engine, see ReportFunnel for Unreal Engine SDK.
If you were looking for the method for use with Unreal Engine, see ReportFunnel for Unreal Engine SDK.
Client funnel events include the UpdateFunnel, AuthFunnel, PolicyFunnel, PaymentFunnel. Data reported by the client is used to calculate the conversion rate of the funnel analysis. The interface will be called after the code corresponding to each funnel event is executed to report data.
Function definition
public static void ReportFunnel(FINTLFunnelStep kstep_name, int error_code = 0)
Input parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
kstep_name | FINTLFunnelStep | Player Network SDK event Tracking For detailed enumeration values, refer to the below table. | Required |
error_code | int | error code, default value is 0. 0 denotes success, and other error codes denote failure. | Optional |
Player Network SDK event tracking (FINTLFunnelStep)
Naming conventions: k[l1_event_name][l2_event_name]
l1_event_name | l2_event_name | Player Network SDK Event Tracking | Description |
Strat | AppLaunch | kStartAppLaunch | Start game |
Agreement | ShowUserAgreement | kAgreementShowUserAgreement | Show User Agreement |
FinishUserAgreement | kAgreementFinishUserAgreement | Read User Agreement | |
Update | CheckForUpdates | kUpdateCheckForUpdates | Check update |
DownloadUpdates | kUpdateDownloadUpdates | Download update | |
UnzipFile | kUpdateUnzipFiles | Unzip update files | |
CompleteUpdates | kUpdateCompleteUpdates | Complete update | |
Auth | ConfirmLoginChannel | kAuthConfirmLoginChannel | Confirm login channel |
ChannelAuthSuccess | kAuthChannelAuthSuccess | Login channel authenticated | |
LoginAuthSuccess | kAuthLoginAuthSuccess | Login authenticated | |
Policy | QueryCompliance | kPolicyQueryCompliance | Query compliance |
SelectRegionAndAge | kPolicySelectRegionAndAge | Select region and age | |
AgreePrivacyPolicy | kPolicyAgreePrivacyPolicy | Agreed to Privacy Policy | |
PrivacyAuthSucess | kPolicyPrivacyAuthSucess | Privacy Policy authenticated | |
Navigate | ShowServerList | kNavigateShowServerList | Show list of servers |
SubmitArea | kNavigateSubmitArea | Submit area | |
ConfirmArea | kNavigateConfirmArea | Confirm area | |
ConnectSvrSuccess | kNavigateConnectSvrSuccess | Server connected | |
EnterGame | ShowEnterGame | kEnterGameShowEnterGame | Show enter game button |
ClickIntoGame | kEnterGameClickIntoGame | Click enter game button | |
Lobby | EnterLobbySucces | kLobbyEnterLobbySuccess | Entered game lobby |
Pay | Authentication | kPayAuthentication | Payment authentication |
PullUpTheListOfGoods | kPayPullUpTheListOfGoods | Pull up list of goods | |
PullUpPriceList | kPayPullUpPriceList | Pull up list of goods price | |
StartOrder | kPayStartOrder | Start order | |
SuccessfulOrder | kPaySuccessfulOrder | Order successful | |
StartPayment | kPayStartPayment | Start payment | |
SuccessfulPayment | kPaySuccessfulPayment | Payment successful | |
StartDelivery | kPayStartDelivery | Start delivery | |
SuccessfulDelivery | kPaySuccessfulDelivery | Delivery successful | |
AuthRegister | RegisterSuccess | kAuthRegisterSuccess | Registration successful |
Undefine | kUNDEFINE | Undefined event |
Code sample
int error_code = 0;
INTLAPI.ReportFunnel(FINTLFunnelStep.kStartAppLaunch, error_code);