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GUAAccountProfile [Player Network SDK Only]

Data Structures


The Profile field in Account callback information GUAAccountResult contains personal data.

GUAAccountProfile: Personal data.

UserNamestringUsername, which must start with a letter and only contains lowercase letters (from a to z), underscores (_), and digits (from 0 to 9). Its length can be 6 to 16 bytes.
BirthdaystringBirthday of the user. If an invalid value is entered, the field will be set to 1970-01-01 by default.
BirthdayYearint32Birth year of the user. If an invalid value is entered, the field will be set to 1970 by default.
BirthdayMonthint32Birth month of the user. If an invalid value is entered, this field will be set to 1 by default.
BirthdayDayint32Birth date of the user. If an invalid value is entered, this field will be set to 1 by default.
IsReceiveEmailintWhether to receive marketing emails, 0 for default
RegionstringISO 3166-1 numeric code for country or region
For example 156 for China, 040 for Austria
LangTypestringLanguage type (RFC 4646), such as "en". For details, see Language Type Definition.
ExtraJsonstringThe extended field in JSON format
EmailstringEmail address
PhonestringPhone number
PhoneAreaCodestringPhone area code
AccountTypestringAccount type
UsernamePassVerifystringVerification code

Code Sample

The Profile field in Account callback information GUAAccountResult contains personal data.

public static GUAAccountResult ConvertToGUA(INTLAccountResult ret)
if (ret == null) return null;
GUAAccountResult accountResult = new GUAAccountResult();
accountResult.ChannelID = ret.ChannelID;
accountResult.Channel = ret.Token;
accountResult.SeqID = ret.SeqID;
accountResult.Username = ret.Username;
accountResult.Uid = ret.Uid;
accountResult.Token = ret.Token;
accountResult.Expiretime = ret.Expiretime;
accountResult.IsRegister = ret.IsRegister;
accountResult.IsSetPassword = ret.IsSetPassword;
accountResult.IsReceiveEmail = ret.IsReceiveEmail;
accountResult.VerifyCodeExpireTime = (int)ret.VerifyCodeExpireTime;
accountResult.CanBind = ret.CanBind;
accountResult.IsUserNameAvailable = ret.IsUserNameAvailable;
accountResult.Profile = ConvertToGUA(ret.Profile);
ConvertToGUA(ret, accountResult);
return accountResult;