If you were looking for the method for use with Unity, see JSCallNative for Unity SDK.
JS code calls Native (Android/iOS) functions through Player Network SDK WebView module to enable/disable fullscreen mode for webpages, open apps, perform other functions, and returns the result to INTLWebViewObserver
For relevant codes, see INTLWebViewSample.html.
Call protocol
JS code and Native code communicate through JSON strings.
JSAPI | Type | Description |
prompt | string | JSON string |
JSON parameter | Type | Description |
INTLMethod | string | Call function |
INTLMethod parameter | Description | Additional parameter |
closeWebView | Close the browser | -- |
setFullScreen | Set the browser to fullscreen mode | "isFullScreen": true/false |
setScreenOrientation | Set the browser orientation | "screenOrientation":"1" 1: Auto 2: Portrait 3: Landscape |
OpenUrlInINTLBrowser | Open the specified URL with default system browser | "url":"https://www.qq.com/" |
jsCallNative | Call native code of the game | -- |
goBack | Back, only supports Windows platform | -- |
ReportEvent | Data reporting | See Input parameters of ReportEvent and the code sample [1] |
shareWebView | Share | See Data structure of Share and the code sample [2] |
clearWebViewFocus | Clear WebView focus | -- |
iOS and Android format sample:
Windows format sample:
window.tbs_external.nativeCall("setFullScreen", ['{"INTLMethod":"setFullScreen","isFullScreen":true}']);
window.tbs_external.nativeCall("closeWebView", ['{"INTLMethod":"closeWebView"}']);
The keyword must include INTLMethod
to specify the call method. Other fields are input parameters.
, channel, media detail, are used to specify call method, channel, and multimedia details, respectively.
Code sample
For the web client, Player Network SDK provides code samples of web client initialization, browser operation, and key media sharing/sending function.
Initialization code sample
// Get WebViewJavascriptBridge,iOS
function setupWebViewJavascriptBridge(callback) {
if (window.WebViewJavascriptBridge) { return callback(WebViewJavascriptBridge); }
if (window.WVJBCallbacks) { return window.WVJBCallbacks.push(callback); }
window.WVJBCallbacks = [callback];
var WVJBIframe = document.createElement('iframe');
WVJBIframe.style.display = 'none';
WVJBIframe.src = 'https://__bridge_loaded__';
setTimeout(function() { document.documentElement.removeChild(WVJBIframe) }, 0)
// Initialize intliOSHandler,iOS
setupWebViewJavascriptBridge(function(bridge) {
intliOSHandler = bridge.callHandler
bridge.registerHandler('INTLJSHandler', function(data, responseCallback) {
log('ObjC called INTLJSHandler with', data)
bridge.registerHandler('OnEnterForeground', function(data, responseCallback) {
bridge.registerHandler('OnEnterBackground', function(data, responseCallback) {
bridge.registerHandler('OnGetNetworkType', function(data, responseCallback) {
bridge.registerHandler('OnOpenPhoto', function(data, responseCallback) {
// Player Network SDK JS Test API
function INTLCallNative(data) {
console.log('INTLCallNative invoked start ->');
if (isiOS()) {
intliOSHandler('INTLCallNative', data, null)
} else {
if (data.indexOf("nativeCallJS") > -1) {
console.log('INTLCallNative invoked nativeCallJS : ' + data);
} else {
console.log('INTLCallNative invoked : ' + data);
Browser operation code sample
Includes closing the browser, setting the browser to fullscreen mode, and restoring the browser from fullscreen mode.
//Initialization protocol parameters
var CloseWebView = '{"INTLMethod":"closeWebView"}';
var SetFullScreen = '{"INTLMethod":"setFullScreen","isFullScreen":true}';
var ResetFullScreen = '{"INTLMethod":"setFullScreen","isFullScreen":false}';
//Call INTLCallNative to trigger native from js
<input type="button" value="Close WebView" onclick="INTLCallNative(CloseWebView)">
<input type="button" value="Set WebView full screen" onclick="INTLCallNative(SetFullScreen)">
<input type="button" value="Reset WebView full screen" onclick="INTLCallNative(ResetFullScreen)">