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If you were looking for the method for use with Unity, see ComplianceSendEmail for Unity SDK.

In high-risk regions (such as South Korea), games must send authorization emails to the parents or legal guardians of minors before they can enter the game.

After receiving the authorization email, the parent or legal guardian of the minor can read it on a computer or mobile phone, and follow the instructions in the email to provide or withhold consent. The minor can only start playing the game after parental authorization has been received.

Function definition

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "INTLSDKAPI")
static void ComplianceSendEmail(
const FString Email,
const FString UserName);

Input parameters

EmailFStringDestination email address
UserNameFStringName of email sender


The callback processing interface is ComplianceResultObserver. The callback data structure is ComplianceResult.

The callback methodID is kMethodIDComplianceSendEmail.

Code sample

FString email = "";
FString userName = "intl";
UINTLSDKAPI::ComplianceSendEmail(email, userName);