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HTTP API Introduction

Player Network provides a set of HTTP APIs to support its services. To access the HTTP APIs, set up your game on Player Network Console first.


Do not perform stress testing in the Player Network SDK production environment. If the game requires stress testing on its own modules, it is recommended to mock the Player Network SDK authentication request. If you require account services for stress testing, reach out to the Player Network representative in advance.

Basic structure

  • Protocol: HTTPS
  • Character encoding: UTF-8
  • Header: Content-Type: application/json
  • API timeout: 8,100 ms
  • Server URL: Dependent on the deployment cluster configured in Player Network Console. Retrieve the cluster information from the console to obtain the corresponding server URL necessary for your project.

URL format

The standard URL format of an HTTP API request is:
\_______________________/\___________________/ \______________________________________________________________/
server URL endpoint path query parameters


Player Network HTTP APIs use a hash code to authenticate requests. For more information on the hash value (the sig parameter), contact the Player Network representative.

Query parameters

osstringOperating system indicator
1: Android
2: iOS
3: Web
4: Linux
5: Windows
6: Nintendo
7: Mac
8: PlayStation
9: Xbox
gameidstringGame ID assigned by Player NetworkRequired
channelidintLogin channel ID
1: WeChat
2: QQ
3: Guest
4: Facebook
5: GameCenter
6: GooglePlay
9: Twitter
10: Garena
14: LINE
15: Apple
19: VK
20: Xbox
21: Steam
24: Epic
26: Discord
27: PlayStation 5
30: DMM
32: SquareEnix
33: Supercell
35: Kakao
38: VNG
41: Nintendo Switch
tsuintUnix timeRequired
sigstringHash value for authenticating requests, reach out to the Player Network representative for more informationRequired
sourceintAccess source
0 or empty: Client SDK
1: Game backend
sdk_versionstringThe provided SDK version
Blank by default
Must be included when called by the client
seqstringTransparently transmitted parameter
Included in the returned JSON string for asynchronous calling
Only English letters, numbers, and underscores(_) are permitted
Blank by default

Request sample

curl -sS -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '' 
-d '{"openid":"5574152457717116678","token":"1d9d1dea1c094be1ddfeb9ef48f7f0aad72b5a8b"}'

Token size

The size of the token varies depending on the scenario. Although the current size does not exceed 2048 bytes, it's recommended that developers design their apps to support tokens of variable sizes, as the upper limit may change in the future.

Response and errors

The conventional HTTP status codes are used to indicate the success or failure of a request. For unsuccessful requests with status codes other than 200, the results should be printed for problem identification. For successful requests with a status code of 200, the response JSON string is parsed into an array.

The standard response format is:

"ret": 0,
"msg": "user is logged in"
  • ret = 0, indicates a successful request. The relevant response fields can be parsed.
  • ret != 0, indicates a request logic failure. The msg field contains the specific error information, and no other fields are returned.

For the full list of ret values, see HTTP API Error Code.