Compliance Configuration
LEVEL INFINITE PASS provides a standard compliance solution for games that have integrated LEVEL INFINITE PASS, allowing games to complete configurations for compliance services easily from Player Network Console.
Age verification
Before configuring compliance features in the Player Network Console, reach out to the Player Network representative to obtain a comprehensive compliance solution.
The age verification process includes real-name verification for PC games in South Korea, and is a prerequisite for implementing age restrictions and messaging verification. Logic for age verification has already been implemented in the LI PASS login widget, there is no need to call any additional APIs. The service will become available once it is configured in Player Network Console.
For more information about the configuration steps for compliance services, see Compliance.
Real-name verification
According to Korean compliance requirements, real-name verification is required for PC games in South Korea. Logic for real-name verification has already been implemented in the LI PASS login widget, there is no need to call any additional APIs.
Age restrictions
Before using this service, configurations for age verification have to be completed first.
Logic for age restrictions has already been implemented in the LI PASS login widget, there is no need to call any additional APIs.
Messaging verification
This feature is supported in LI PASS V1.17 or later, and configurations for age verification have to be completed first.
To use the messaging verification feature, social feature controls has to be enabled from the backend, reach out to the Player Network representative for more details.
According to the compliance requirements for international data privacy, for games released in select countries/regions that allow gameplay for minors, messaging (including text and voice chat) for minors will have to disabled by default. To enable the features, authorization will have to be obtained separately from parents.
The countries/regions include: the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, India, South Korea, Russia, all European Economic Area countries (30)
LI PASS supports obtaining parental authorization for messaging for minors in the following scenarios:
- During registration or login (for credit card/email verification)
- Before using messaging
During registration or login
Messaging verification during the registration/login step has been integrated into LI PASS. If controls for messaging for minors are enabled, during player registration or login, messaging verification will be triggered at the end of either the credit card or email verification process, based on the region selected by the player.
Games should listen to the SOCIAL_FEATURE_APPROVE_STATUS
callback event for the returned results, and handle the callback login. For more details on the returned JSON string, see SOCIAL_FEATURE_APPROVE_STATUS.
For more information, see LIEventObserver, and Handle LI PASS events.
Before using messaging
For authorization before using messaging, games are required to call the GetSocialFeatureStatus method.
When a minor attempts to use messaging features in-game for the first time, they are requested to obtain parental authorization, where an authorization email will be sent to the parent email address linked with the player's OpenID. If there is no parent email address associated with the current OpenID, the player will be requested to enter the email address of their parent.
Call GetSocialFeatureStatus to obtain the player's authorization status for social feature controls. The logic within the code will determine whether the player is a minor, and if messaging verification is required to be completed.
If messaging verification is required, WebView is opened to proceed with messaging verification for minors.
Games should listen to the
callback event for the returned results, and handle the callback login. For more details on the returned JSON string, see SOCIAL_FEATURE_APPROVE_STATUS.
For more information, see LIEventObserver, and Handle LI PASS events.
Account deletion
Logic for account deletion has already been implemented in the LI PASS Account Center, games will only need to integrate the Account Center that includes account deletion, and configure the delete account button for player use.
Call OpenAccountCenterWithParams to open the Account Center that includes account deletion.
Configure SHOW_DELETE_ACCOUNT_BUTTON to display the delete account button in the Account Center. When a player clicks on the button, LI PASS will open the account deletion HTML5 page.
Games should listen to the LIEventType callback event for the returned results, with
representing the Account Center being opened or closed, andDELETE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS
are relevant for account deletion.
Cooling-off period
After a player submits the account deletion request, their account enters a cooling-off period set by the platform. During this period, the player can choose to log in to reactivate the account, which will cancel the account deletion application. Else, account deletion will be irreversible after the cooling-off period.
The player can click Cancel to reactivate the account and enter the game, or click Delete or the close button at the top right of the popup to maintain the cooling-off state, clear their login state and be returned to the login interface.