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Push Notification

The push module of Player Network SDK provides a push notification service for the game. There are two types of push functions, local notifications and remote push notifications. The push function enables the game to send push notifications such as holiday activities and anniversary events to the user even when the game is not running.


Due to Android API tightening restrictions for SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM permission requests on Android 12 or later, Player Network SDK is using internal delay triggering to implement push. As such, delay codes cannot be triggered after the app is closed, and the time of triggering may also be affected by system sleep on the device.


For Local notifications, Integrate the Player Network SDK first.

Remote push notifications are implemented using the push capabilities of Firebase, complete the following procedures in order to use remote push:

1. Register a Firebase project

Go to the Firebase Console and follow the instructions to register a Firebase project.

Image: Register Firebase project

2. Add an app

Firebase supports multi-store packages through adding multiple apps to the same project. Create additional Firebase apps on the Firebase Console and complete the configurations by repeating the following steps.

  1. In the Project Overview page of the Firebase Console, add the Firebase App for the corresponding platform.

    Image: Add Firebase function

  2. Follow the instructions to enter the relevant information.

  3. Add Firebase to your Android App.

    Image: Add Android App

    1. Enter relevant information, and then click REGISTER APP.
      If you are unsure about the values for certain fields, you can add them later.
    2. Download the google-services.json file for reference. You can download it again from the Firebase Console.
    3. Skip other steps.
  4. Add Firebase to your iOS App.

    Image: Add iOS App

    1. Enter relevant information, and then click REGISTER APP.
      If you are unsure about the values for certain fields, you can add them later.
    2. Download the google-services.jsonfile for reference. You can download it again from the Firebase Console.
    3. Configure the APNs certificate for the push function.
3. Upload iOS APNs certificate
  1. In the Settings page, click CLOUD MESSAGING to find the iOS project.

    Image: Firebase Cloud Messaging Settings

  2. Add the development APNs certificate and production APNs certificate respectively.

    Image: Firebase Cloud Messaging iOS Certificates

For more information, see Configuring APNs with FCM.

4. Project configurations

In the Project settings page, you can continue to set up your project, download the google-services.json file and the GoogleService-Info.plist file, or configure the Android certificate fingerprint.

Image: Firebase Project Settings

  1. Integrate the Player Network SDK.

Step 1: Set up permissions and configurations

Local notifications

Add the following configuration to INTLConfig.ini for Android.

[Android Local Notification]

Remote push notifications

Configure the push module for remote Firebase push.


User permissions

Because the Firebase SDK is only compatible with minSdkVersion >= 19 or later, it may have problems when running on Android 4.2 or earlier. Set minSdkVersion >= 19 for the game.

Firebase requires permission to access the internet.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>

Configure the Android client key in the INTLConfig.ini file.

  • Replace {YOUR_CLIENT_KEY_ANDROID} with Web client Key required by Player Network SDK. It is the client ID for web applications in the Credentials section during API OAuth configuration, also known as Server Client ID during OAuth 2.5 API configuration.



The build will fail without the google-services.json file.

The gradle build method can directly process the google-services.json file, and convert the content to a corresponding app/build/generated/res/google-services/{build_type}/values/values.xml configuration file.

For more information on adding and placing the google-services.json file in the Assets/Plugins/Android/ directory, see The Google Services Gradle Plugin.

[Optional] Configure default background color

When configuring push notifications, specify a color to set it as the default background color of the notification banner.

The color field can be set in the resource file in the Assets/Plugins/Android/ directory of the Android folder of the Unity project.
For example: xxx/res/values/colors.xml.

``` xml
<!-- Set color used with incoming notification messages. This is used when no color is set for the incoming notification message.
See README( for more. -->
android:resource="@color/colorAccent" />

[Optional] Configure default icon

When configuring push notifications, specify an icon to set it as the default icon of the notification.

The drawable file can be placed in the Assets/Plugins/Android/ directory of the Android folder of the Unity project.
For example: xxx/res/drawable.

<!-- Set custom default icon. This is used when no icon is set for incoming notification messages.
See README( for more. -->
android:resource="@drawable/ic_stat_ic_notification" />

Small and large notification icons are supported on Android.

  • Small icons are displayed in the status bar at the top, as well as in the notification banner.


    Android 5.0+ (API level 21+) enforces icons to have white and transparent backgrounds. Tinting of the notification banner with an accent color is still allowed, however the color of the icon is unaffected.

  • Large icons are recommended to be 256x256 pixels in size, and if not set, the small icon will be used instead. The placement of large icons depends on the Android version of the device:

    • To the left of the notification text for devices running Android 4.0.3 - 6.0 (API level 15-23).
    • To the right of the notification text for devices running Android 7.0+ (API level 24+).

The Notification icon generator may be used to create a push notification icon of the correct size.

DensitySizeFile path
MDPI24 x 24 (drawable-mdpi)Assets/Plugins/Android/res/drawable-mdpi/
HDPI36 x 36 (drawable-hdpi)Assets/Plugins/Android/res/drawable-hdpi/
XHDPI48 x 48 (drawable-xhdpi)Assets/Plugins/Android/res/drawable-xhdpi/
XXHDPI72 x 72 (drawable-xxhdpi)Assets/Plugins/Android/res/drawable-xxhdpi/
XXXHDPI96 x 96 (drawable-xxxhdpi)Assets/Plugins/Android/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/
XXXHDPI (Large)256 x 256 (drawable-xxxhdpi) (Large)Assets/Plugins/Android/res/drawable-xxxhdpi/



Firebase Plist


The build will fail without the GoogleService-info.plist file.

Replace the GoogleService-info.plist configuration file under the Assets/Plugins/iOS/INTLSDK/INTLFirebase/ThirdSDK/ directory.

Image: Unity Plist File

Enable push in the Xcode project

For Unity, Firebase push has to be enabled from your Xcode project. Before exporting the Xcode project, the .projmods file has to be configured first.

Player Network SDK has included the below configurations in the INTLFirebaseKit.projmods file, ensure that the information is correct.

"group": "INTL",
"libs": [],
"frameworks": [],
"files": [
"folders": [],
"excludes": [],
"build_settings": {},
"system_capabilities": {"":"TRUE"},

For more information regarding Xcode project exporting, see Player Network SDK XUPorter solution.

After exporting your Xcode project, enable Remote notifications from under Capability > Background Modes > Push Notifications in the project.

Step 2: Register callbacks

Add the following callbacks for the push module.

AddPushBaseResultObserverRegister the BaseResult callback of the Player Network SDK push module
Used to manage the RegisterPush method callback
RemovePushBaseResultObserverUnregister the BaseResult callback
AddPushResultObserverRegister the PushResult callback of the Player Network SDK push module
Used to manage the AddLocalNotification method callback
RemovePushResultObserverUnregister the PushResult callback

Step 3: Configure notifications

Local notifications

Call the AddLocalNotification method.

Remote push notifications

Send push notifications to all devices:

  1. In the game, call the RegisterPush method and then terminate the game.
  2. In the Firebase backend, select Cloud Messaging and then click Create Notification. Image: Firebase Create Notification
  3. Enter the subject and text for the notification and then click Next. Image: Firebase Add Subject
  4. Select the bundle to send to the app and then click Next. Image: Firebase Select Bundle
  5. Select the time and then click Review. Image: Firebase Select Timing
  6. The notification can be pushed once it is approved.

Send push notifications to pushToken registered devices only:

  1. In the game, call the RegisterPush method and then copy the FCM token from the log and terminate the game. Image: Firebase FcmToken
  2. In the Firebase backend, select Cloud Messaging and then click Create Notification. Image: Firebase Create Notification
  3. Enter the subject and text for the notification and then click Send Text Message. Image: Firebase Add Subject
  4. Enter the FCM token from the log and then click Test to perform a test push. Image: Firebase Create Test Notification

Reset iOS app icon badge

The below code has to be added to the applicationDidBecomeActive method of Classes/ in the Xcode project to clear icon badge.

[UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber=0;

Sample code:

- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication*)application
::printf("-> applicationDidBecomeActive()\n");

[self removeSnapshotView]; // The code may be different between Unity versions
[UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber=0; // Add this line

if (_unityAppReady)
if (UnityIsPaused() && _wasPausedExternal == false)
if (_wasPausedExternal)
if (UnityIsFullScreenPlaying())
else if (!_startUnityScheduled)
_startUnityScheduled = true;
[self performSelector: @selector(startUnity:) withObject: application afterDelay: 0];

_didResignActive = false;

Build the script XCodePostProcess.cs to add the code automatically.

  1. Assign the variable code to the code of clearing icon badge in the EditorCode method.
  2. The method is added through anchored code. Due to Unity version differences, confirm if [self removeSnapshotViewController]; or [self removeSnapshotView]; is called inside applicationDidBecomeActive method, then use the corresponding result in step 3.
  3. Based on the result of step 2, configure unityAppController.WriteBelow.
  4. Call EditorCode in the OnPostProcessBuild method.
  5. Check if the built has successfully added the code to clear the icon badge.
private static void EditorCode(string filePath)
// load
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("EditorCode: " + filePath);
XClass unityAppController = new XClass(filePath + "/Classes/");

//add codes
string codes = "[UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationIconBadgeNumber=0;"; // Add this line
unityAppController.WriteBelow("[self removeSnapshotViewController];", codes); // Add this line

Push status

Notification display behavior under different app states:

Foreground appNot displayedNot displayed
Background appDisplayedDisplayed
App closedDisplayedDisplayed

For iOS 10 or later, userNotificationCenter:, willPresentNotification:, withCompletionHandler: can be modified to display notifications while the app is in the foreground, see the Apple Developer Documentation for more information.


For Samsung devices, users are required to add self-launch permissions for your app in the device settings Settings > Notifications > Hibernation, for push notifications to be received while the app is closed.

For Xiaomi devices, app background permissions must not be restricted in the battery settings, for push notifications to be received while the app is closed. When app memory is cleared on the Xiaomi device, the displayed notification disappears as well.

Callback behavior under different app states:

Foreground appYesYes
Background appNoNo
Notification clickedYesNo

Push APIs

RegisterPushRegister push
UnregisterPushUnregister push
AddLocalNotificationAdd local notifications
ClearLocalNotificationsClear local notifications
DeleteLocalNotificationsDelete local notifications