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Predefined Events

Predefined events track the Player Network functions called by the game. To disable or enable reporting the predefined events, contact the Player Network representative.

Data table

As each event is reported to different tables, the attributes of each event align with the structure of the data table to which they are reported. LI PASS events, for example, are reported to the following data tables.


This table is used for monitoring Player Network function calls. It records the function call request events related to the Player Network SDK, and this monitoring must be enabled by the Player Network team.

intl_common_infointl_comm_infoCommon field
seq_idstringLog tracking ID
method_idstringAPI ID
method_namestringAPI name
channelstringChannel name, such as Facebook, Google, and so on.
extra_jsonstringExtended field
ret_codestringPlayer Network SDK error code
For details, see intl_error.h, which is meaningful only when stage=end.
third_codestringError code returned by the third party
Meaningful only when stage=end
ret_msgstringPlayer Network SDK returned information
Meaningful only when stage=end
third_msgstringError message returned by the third party
Meaningful only when stage=end
stagestringAPI call status
begin: indicates the call
end: indicates the callback
core_versionstringINTLCore version