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SDK Events

The SDK events encompass basic authentication data, as well as performance and troubleshooting related events, which are automatically collected and reported once the Player Network SDK is integrated.

The following events are authentication events reported for account analysis purposes.

startapp_launchPlayer Network SDK initializationFor PC devices, the Launcher is usually launched before entering the game. If Player Network SDK is integrated with the Launcher and also within the game, the app_launch event will be reported twice.
authconfirm_login_channelSelecting a login channel (such as LI PASS email verification, Facebook channel, etc.) includes events like automatic login, cached login, and registration events.Reported when calling the following interfaces in the Player Network SDK Auth module: AutoLogin, Login, Register, LoginUsePluginCache, AutoLoginForLI, LoginForLI
authchannel_auth_successChannel login success, preparing to initiate a login request to the backend, includes login and automatic login events.Reported before Player Network SDK initiates network requests to the backend (auth/login, auth/auto_login). Problems with missed reporting have been fixed in Player Network SDK V1.18.01 and later.
authlogin_auth_successSuccessful receipt of a backend callback, includes login and automatic login events.Reported when Player Network SDK receives a backend callback, where the outcome can be confirmed through error_code, error_code = 0 indicates success.
authregister_successRegistration process, successful receipt of a backend callback.When reporting login_auth_success, check the first_login field in the local login state, and if confirmed to be logging in for the first time, additionally report register_success. This parameter is supported in Player Network SDK V1.18.01 and later.

Data tables

As each event is reported to different tables, the attributes of each event align with the structure of the data table to which they are reported. SDK events, for example, are reported to the following data tables.


This table is mainly used for funnel analysis, primarily refers to game funnel events.

intl_common_infointl_comm_infoCommon fields
l1_event_namestringLevel 1 event
l2_event_namestringLevel 2 event
stage_timebigintStage duration
error_codebigintStage error code (as defined by the game)


This table is mainly used for network request events, which records all HTTP request events related to the Player Network SDK, used for troubleshooting network issues.

intl_common_infointl_comm_infoCommon field
seq_idstringLog tracking ID
urlstringRequest URL
response_bodystringReturned package
Meaningful only when stage=end
ret_codestringPlayer Network SDK error code
For details, see intl_error.h, which is meaningful only when stage=end.
third_codestringError code returned by the third party
Meaningful only when stage=end
issue_timestringTime spent requesting network library statistics
Meaningful only when stage=end
stagestringAPI call status
begin: indicates the start of the request
end: indicates the end of the request


This table is primarily used for plugin events. It reports the plugin information of the Player Network SDK, such as the plugin version for plugins like Facebook, Twitter, Adjust, common modules, and WebView.

intl_common_infointl_comm_infoCommon field
intl_plugin_namestringPlayer Network SDK plugin name
intl_plugin_versionstringPlayer Network SDK plugin version
intl_thirdsdk_namestringThird-party SDK name
intl_thirdsdk_versionstringThird-party SDK version