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Set up Adjust as an analytics platform

This article guides you on setting up Adjust as an analytics platform, allowing your game to report telemetry data directly to Adjust.



Adjust supports multi-store packages through multiple app IDs under the same developer account. Create additional game apps in the Adjust dashboard and complete the configurations for additional game apps by repeating the following steps.

  1. Create an Adjust account and set up your app in the Adjust dashboard.
2. Get app token (ID)
  1. Go to the Adjust dashboard.

  2. Click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

    Image: Adjust dashboard

  3. View the APP TOKEN information.

    Image: Adjust App ID


App token is a string that is different for iOS and Android.

3. Create tracker URL

After creating a tracker URL, data will only be visible in the Adjust dashboard after more than 3 hours.

  1. From the Adjust dashboard, click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

    Images: Configure tracking links

  2. Click Tracker URLs.

  3. In the Manage Network Trackers window, enter a tracker name and click QUICK CREATE.

    Images: Configure tracking links 2

  4. In the right of the newly created tracker, click the settings icon.

    Images: Check tracker token

  5. Save the tracker token which is the 6 or more alphanumeric characters after the Adjust endpoint.

    Images: Check tracker token 2

  6. Get the tracker token by creating a tracker link, add the tracker token to the APK file, click to open the application, and wait to see the data.

  1. Integrate the Player Network SDK.

Step 1: Set up permissions and configurations


User permissions

Adjust requires permissions to access the network and WiFi status.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

receiver is used to track the source of installation. It is integrated into Player Network SDK, check the configuration in the SDK package.

<receiver android:name="com.adjust.sdk.AdjustReferrerReceiver" android:exported="true" >
<action android:name="" />

Adjust does not provide any interface to manually control the collection of the Mac address. It only relies on the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission to collect the Mac address.
As the compliance requirements do not allow the collection of Mac addresses, Player Network SDK does not apply for the WiFi status permission for Adjust by default. At the same time, all plugins in Player Network SDK do not apply for this permission by default.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />

Add the following configurations in the INTLConfig.ini file:

[Adjust Debug Mode]
[Android LifeCycle]
[Adjust Configurations]
  • Set DEBUG_CHANNEL to Adjust to enable the Adjust debug mode.
  • Add Adjust to LIFECYCLE. For more information, see SDK environment.
  • Use ADJUST_OPEN_DEEPLINK_ENABLE to enable or disable deep linking. The default value is 0, disable.
  • Replace {ADJUST_APP_TOKEN_ANDROID} with the Android App Token found from the Adjust dashboard.
  • [Optional] Create a registration event, and set {REGISTER_TOKEN} to the corresponding event token.
  • [Optional] Create a login event, and set {LOGIN_TOKEN} to the corresponding event token.
  • Use {ADJUST_SECRET_ID} to prevent SDK spoofing. This numeric value is supported by V4.12.0 or later versions of Adjust SDK.
    {INFO_01}, {INFO_02}, {INFO_03}, {INFO_04} configurations are valid only after {ADJUST_SECRET_ID} is set. Follow the instructions in SDK Signature for the configuration.
  • Set {ADJUST_SUBDOMAIN} to the relay server that Adjust reports to.
  • Set {ADJUST_URL_STRATEGY_ANDROID} to Adjust data residency. For more information, see Adjust configurations.
  • Set {ADJUST_SIGNATURE_VERSION_ANDROID} to configure the Adjust signature version, where the value 1 indicates v1 signature and 2 indicates v2 signature.
  • Replace {ADJUST_CHANNEL_START_EVENT_TOKEN_ANDROID} with the Adjust custom startup event token.



Add the following configurations in the INTLConfig.ini file:

[Adjust Debug Mode]
[Adjust Configurations]
  • Set DEBUG_CHANNEL to Adjust to enable the Adjust debug mode.
  • Use ADJUST_OPEN_DEEPLINK_ENABLE to enable or disable deep linking. The default value is 0, disable.
  • Replace {ADJUST_APP_TOKEN_IOS} with the iOS App Token found from the Adjust dashboard.
  • [Optional] Create a registration event, and set {REGISTER_TOKEN} to the corresponding event token.
  • [Optional] Create a login event, and set {LOGIN_TOKEN} to the corresponding event token.
  • Use {ADJUST_SECRET_ID} to prevent SDK spoofing. It is a numeric value.
    {INFO_01}, {INFO_02}, {INFO_03}, {INFO_04} configurations are valid only after {ADJUST_SECRET_ID} is set. Contact Adjust account manager, kchuang from Tencent to get the INFO values.
  • Set {ADJUST_SUBDOMAIN} to the relay server that Adjust reports to.
  • Set {ADJUST_URL_STRATEGY_IOS} to Adjust data residency. For more information, see Adjust configurations.
  • Set {ADJUST_SIGNATURE_VERSION_IOS} to configure the Adjust signature version, where the value 1 indicates v1 signature and 2 indicates v2 signature.
  • Replace {ADJUST_CHANNEL_START_EVENT_TOKEN_IOS} with the Adjust custom startup event token.

[Optional] Export Xcode with Unity

When using Unity to export Xcode projects, configure the .projmods file.


Games need to check the configurations written in INTLCoreKit.projmods.

"group": "INTL",
"libs": ["libz.tbd", "libsqlite3.tbd"],
"frameworks": ["AdSupport.framework", "iAd.framework", "CoreTelephony.framework", "SystemConfiguration.framework"],
"files": [],
"folders": [],
"excludes": [],
"system_capabilities": {},
[Optional] Deep Linking

Configure for iOS 8 and earlier versions, iOS 9 and later versions, and add the following code to AppDelegate.m:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable))restorationHandler

To support deferred deep linking, turn on the switch under the Adjust item in app.plist.

Step 2: Configure Adjust V2

Contact Adjust for the signature plugins AdjustSigSdk.aar, AdjustSigSdk.framework, and the signature authentication tool adjust_sig_doctor.


Put the applied AdjustSigSdk.aar into the plugin directory \Assets\Plugins\Android\AdjustSigSdk.aar of Player Network SDK Android.


  1. Create a file named INTLAdjustSigKit.projmods under the Unity5/Asses/INTLSDK/Editor/XUPorter/Mods directory of the game, with file content as follows:

    Image: enter app token

    "libs": [],
    "frameworks": [],
    "files": [],
    "folders": [],
    "excludes": [],
    "headerpaths": [],
    "OTHER_LDFLAGS": ["-force_load ${PROJECT_DIR}/Frameworks/Plugins/iOS/INTLSDK/INTLAdjust/ThirdSDK/AdjustSigSdk.framework/AdjustSigSdk"],
    "system_capabilities": {
    "Info.plist": {
  2. Put the AdjustSigSdk.framework signature library into the .../Plugins/iOS/INTLSDK/INTLAdjust/ThirdSDK directory.

Integrate Sig

Using Windows as an example to introduce the steps of Sig authentication:

  1. Open the adjust_sig_doctor folder.

  2. Open windows_386.

  3. Execute adjust_sig_doctor.exe.

  4. Enter the app token.

    Image: Execute adjust sig doctor

  5. Select the corresponding APK and confirm.

    Image: Enter the app token

  6. The CLI displays APK INTEGRATION SUCCESSFUL, indicating a successful integration.


Configure INTLConfig.ini



Step 3: Add tracker token to APK

The Adjust tracker attributes user behaviors to the source campaign. A unique tracker token is automatically generated by Adjust for every tracker. For more information, see Adjust links.


The Adjust V2 signature must be supported.

  1. Customize the Gradle plugin and create a task.

    project.afterEvaluate {
    ChannelMaker channelMaker = project.tasks.create("assemble${variantName}Channels", ChannelMaker);
    channelMaker.targetProject = project;
    channelMaker.variant = variant;

    // task add dependencies
    if (variant.hasProperty('assembleProvider')) {
    channelMaker.dependsOn variant.assembleProvider.get()
    } else {
    channelMaker.dependsOn variant.assemble
  2. Process the tracker token logic in the task.

    • The data is big-endian.
    • The protocol header is fixed new byte []{-6, -106}.
    1. Get the input data.

      // get the input data
      byte[] encode() throws IOException {
      ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      // write protocol header
      out.write(new byte[]{-6, -106});
      String s = "adjustTrackerToken=${tracek_token}";
      byte[] bytes = s.getBytes("UTF-8");
      out.write(new ZipShort(bytes.length).getBytes());
      return out.toByteArray();
      public final class ZipShort implements Cloneable {
      private int value;

      public ZipShort(byte[] bytes) {
      this(bytes, 0);

      public ZipShort(byte[] bytes, int offset) {
      this.value = bytes[offset + 1] << 8 & '\uff00';
      this.value += bytes[offset] & 255;

      public ZipShort(int value) {
      this.value = value;

      public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (o != null && o instanceof ZipShort) {
      return this.value == ((ZipShort)o).getValue();
      } else {
      return false;

      public byte[] getBytes() {
      byte[] result = new byte[]{(byte)(this.value & 255), (byte)((this.value & '\uff00') >> 8)};
      return result;

      public int getValue() {
      return this.value;

      public int hashCode() {
      return this.value;
    2. Write the data to APKSigningBlock with blockid 0x71717874.

  3. Build the Gradle package using ./gradlew assemble${variantName}Channels.

  4. In the log view, enter set default tracker : ${tracker_token} to verify whether the gradle packaging is successful.

    Images: Verify

Step 4: Configure event reporting

Automatically logged events

If ANALYTICS_AUTH_REPORT_ENABLE is enabled in the INTLConfig.ini file and Adjust’s registration and login tokens are set, Player Network SDK will automatically report the following events:

  • completed_registration: When a user logs in to the game for the first time
  • login: When a user logs in to the game subsequently

Manually logged events

1. Create new events
  1. Go to the Adjust dashboard.

  2. Click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

    Image: Adjust App ID

  3. Click All Settings.

  4. Click Events.

    Image: Adjust Event Token

  5. At the bottom of the events page, enter the event name and click CREATE to create a new event.

    Image: Adjust Event Token

2. Get event token (ID)
  1. Go to the Adjust dashboard.

  2. Click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

    Image: Adjust App ID

  3. Click All Settings.

  4. Click Events.

    Image: Adjust Event Token

  5. View respective event tokens on the right of the event.
    You can also add, delete, and modify events in the event list.

    Image: Adjust Event Token


When reporting an event, configure the reporting fields in the dashboard and then report the respective token fields assigned by the dashboard in the code.

3. Set event uniqueness

Event uniqueness ensures that a single device only counts the unique event once.

  1. Go to the Adjust dashboard.

  2. Click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

    Image: Adjust App ID

  3. Click All Settings.

  4. Click Events.

    Image: Adjust Event Token

  5. Click the edit button (pencil icon) on the right of the corresponding event.

    Image: Adjust Event Token

  6. On the event editing page, select Unique and click UPDATE to set the event as unique.

    Image: Unique Events

For more information, see Add events.

  • To use Adjust partner parameters, add parameters in the extraJson field:
  • If the extraJson field is empty, or isPartnerParameters is set to false, the reporting parameters will be set in Adjust callback_params.
  • To track events, enter the event token for each EventName. For more information, see Adjust Event tracking.

For more information, see Analytics.

Funnel events


Supported since Player Network SDK V1.20.

In INTLConfig.ini, add ADJUST_REPORT_FUNNEL_EVENTS_TOKEN_IOS (for iOS platforms) and ADJUST_REPORT_FUNNEL_EVENTS_TOKEN_ANDROID (for Android platforms) configurations. Android platforms add the funnel events to be reported to the Adjust channel and the corresponding tokens in the format event1:token1,event2:token....

ADJUST_REPORT_FUNNEL_EVENTS_TOKEN_IOS = app_launch:your_token,confirm_login_channel:your_token,channel_auth_success:your_token,login_auth_success:your_token,query_complicance:your_token,select_region_and_age:your_token,agree_privacy_policy:your_token,privacy_auth_sucess:your_token,show_server_list:your_token,submit_area:your_token,confirm_area:your_token,connect_svr_success:your_token,show_user_agreement:your_token,finish_user_agreement:your_token,check_for_updates:your_token,download_updates:your_token,unzip_files:your_token,complete_updates:your_token,show_enter_game:your_token,click_into_game:your_token,enter_lobby_success:your_token,authentication:your_token,pull_up_the_list_of_goods:your_token,pull_up_price_list:your_token,start_order:your_token,successful_order:your_token,start_payment:your_token,successful_payment:your_token,start_delivery:your_token,successful_delivery:your_token,register_success:your_token
ADJUST_REPORT_FUNNEL_EVENTS_TOKEN_ANDROID = app_launch:your_token,confirm_login_channel:your_token,channel_auth_success:your_token,login_auth_success:your_token,query_complicance:your_token,select_region_and_age:your_token,agree_privacy_policy:your_token,privacy_auth_sucess:your_token,show_server_list:your_token,submit_area:your_token,confirm_area:your_token,connect_svr_success:your_token,show_user_agreement:your_token,finish_user_agreement:your_token,check_for_updates:your_token,download_updates:your_token,unzip_files:your_token,complete_updates:your_token,show_enter_game:your_token,click_into_game:your_token,enter_lobby_success:your_token,authentication:your_token,pull_up_the_list_of_goods:your_token,pull_up_price_list:your_token,start_order:your_token,successful_order:your_token,start_payment:your_token,successful_payment:your_token,start_delivery:your_token,successful_delivery:your_token,register_success:your_token

Adding the Adjust channel to the ANALYTICS_REPORT_FUNNEL_CHANNEL configuration in INTLConfig.ini, Player Network SDK will synchronize the funnel events to the Adjust channel.


See Query data to view the reported events.

Step 5: Initialize Analytics

Initialize the Analytics module, then call ReportEvent to start Adjust data reporting.

Data reporting acceptance


Data dimensions

Adjust events:

  • InstallEvent (UnInstallEvent/ReInstallEvent)
  • InAppEvent

For more information about event data properties, see Event and session callbacks.

View reported events in the console


Events are not reported in realtime, with a latency of 1 hour or more.

  1. From the Adjust dashboard, click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

    Images: Configure tracking links

  2. Click Statistics.

    Images: Verify 2

  3. Check the tracker data.

    Images: Verify 3

View reported events in Sandbox Mode


The latency in Sandbox Mode is about 10 minutes.

To report data to Adjust Sandbox Mode:

  1. Include Adjust for the DEBUG_CHANNEL configured in INTLConfig.ini.
  2. Set LOG_LEVEL = 1 or LOG_LEVEL = 0 in INTLConfig.ini.

Set LOG_LEVEL = 3 when releasing the game to report data to Adjust production environment.

To report to Adjust production environment, remove Adjust from the DEBUG_CHANNEL configured in INTLConfig.ini.

The log file after successfully reporting data to Sandbox Mode is as follows:

Image: Adjust Sandbox

  1. From the Adjust dashboard, click the up button (▲) for the corresponding app.

  2. Select All Settings > Test Console.

  3. Input the ad ID.

    Image: Input ad ID

  4. Click View Device Data to view the test data in the console.


  5. [Optional] If testing install event or unique event tracking multiple times on a single device, select Forget Device to delete the app from the device.


    Adjust will record an installation for the first time an app is opened on an unidentified device. This means only one installation will occur for each device.

    If a test install event or unique event tracking needs to be done multiple times on a single device, select Forget Device in the test console to erase the device from Adjust. This will delete the ad ID and activity history for the device. The Forget Device function erases device information for a specific app. In other words, all previously tracked activities for the current app will be deleted.

Query data

  1. Configure INTLConfig.ini to enable Sandbox mode data reporting for the client.
  2. Enable Sandbox Mode for data query in the Adjust dashboard.

Image: Adjust Sandbox Data Image: Adjust Sandbox Data Image: Adjust Sandbox Data Image: Adjust Sandbox Data

View ad ID

Select Settings > Google > Ads on the device to view the ad ID.


Acceptance use case 1

  • Sub-function module: Reporting
  • Feature: Event Reporting
  • Test points: First login as guest, check Adjust login reporting
  • Prerequisites: Initialize Analytics module
  • Procedure or Input:
    1. Log in as a guest for the first time
    2. Log off
    3. Log in again with the same account
    4. In the console, export data and view reported events
  • Expected output: Information reported successfully.
    1. In the console, view:
      1. Registration event reported for the first guest login (adjust_complete_registration): Reported qty+1
      2. Login event reported when the user logs in again with the same account (adjust_login): Reported qty+1
    2. Exported data verification: Contact [killuachen] to form a group for final confirmation:
      1. Registration event reported for the first guest login (adjust_complete_registration): Reported qty+1
      2. Login event reported when the user logs in again with the same account (adjust_login): Reported qty+1
      3. Player Network SDK OpenID is provided in the event parameters

Acceptance use case 2

  • Sub-function module: Reporting
  • Feature: Event Reporting
  • Test points: Non-first login from Facebook, check Adjust login reporting
  • Prerequisites: Initialize Analytics module
  • Procedure or Input:
    1. Use Facebook to log in for the first time
    2. Log off
    3. Log in again with the same account
    4. Export data and view reported events in the console
  • Expected output: Information reported successfully.
    1. In the console, view:
      1. Registration event reported for the first guest login (adjust_complete_registration): Reported qty+1
      2. Login event reported when the user logs in again with the same account (adjust_login): Reported qty+1
    2. Exported data verification: Contact [killuachen] to form a group for final confirmation
      1. Registration event reported for the first guest login (adjust_complete_registration): Reported qty+1
      2. Login event reported when the user logs in again with the same account (adjust_login): Reported qty+1
      3. Player Network SDK OpenID is provided in the event parameters

Acceptance use case 3

  • Sub-function module: Reporting
  • Feature: Event Reporting
  • Test points: First and subsequent login from Facebook, check Adjust login reporting
  • Prerequisites: Initialize Analytics module
  • Procedure or Input:
    1. Use Facebook to log in for the first time
    2. Log off
    3. Log in again with the same account
    4. Export data and view reported events in the console
  • Expected output: Information reported successfully.
    1. In the console, view:
      1. Registration event reported for the first guest login (adjust_complete_registration): Reported qty+1
      2. Login event reported when the user logs in again with the same account (adjust_login): Reported qty+1
    2. Export data verification:
      1. Registration event reported for the first guest login (adjust_complete_registration): Reported qty+1
      2. Login event reported when the user logs in again with the same account (adjust_login): Reported qty+1
      3. The Customer User ID and Player Network SDK OpenID are consistent

Acceptance use case 4

  • Sub-function module: Reporting
  • Feature: Event Reporting
  • Test points: Event information successfully reported by Adjust
  • Prerequisites: Initialize Analytics module
  • Procedure or Input:
    1. Request Report Event
    2. eventName = Report_Event, paramsDic-key1=k1, paramsDic-value1=v1, paramsDic-key2=k2, paramsDic-value2=v2, spChannels=Adjust
    3. Install or uninstall the SDK and launch the game
    4. View the report data and export the INSTALL data table
  • Expected output: Information reported successfully, check the following:
    1. In the console, view:
      1. Custom events: Adjust can query custom Report_Event qty +1
      2. Install event: View reported INSTALL event qty +1 (only reported once if device information is not cleared)
    2. Exported data verification: Contact [killuachen] to form a group for final confirmation:
      1. Custom events: Compare install_time={installed_at} of reported data (in the console or in exported data) to determine if this is the install time and if event_name={event_name} is the custom event.
      2. Install event: View reported Installs event qty+1 in the INSTALL data table (only reported once if device information is not cleared). activity_kind={activity_kind} adds an install.

Acceptance use case 5

  • Sub-function module: ReportRevenue
  • Feature: Adjust payment event reporting
  • Test points: Query report after requesting ReportRevenue (Adjust)
  • Prerequisite: Network connection is normal
  • Procedure or Input:
    1. Request ReportRevenue
    2. eventName = (customizable), spChannels = Adjust, Currency = USD, Revenue = 100
    3. Adjust query reporting events
    4. DD Platform query AnalyticsReportRevenue event
  • Expected output: Information reported successfully.
    1. View ReportRevenue event +1 in the Adjust delivery data. The ReportRevenue (revenue) event amount +100.
    2. Export data verification (2-4 hours): Export data contains income event and amount data.
    3. DD Platform successfully queries the event reporting with methodName as AnalyticsReportRevenue and method_id=715.

Acceptance use case 6

  • Sub-function module: ReportRevenue
  • Feature: Adjust payment event reporting
  • Test points: Query report after requesting ReportRevenue in disconnected state (Adjust)
  • Prerequisite: Disconnected network status
  • Procedure or Input:
    1. Request ReportRevenue
    2. eventName = (customizable), spChannels = Adjust, Currency = USD, Revenue = 1000
    3. Reconnect to the network
    4. Adjust query reporting events
    5. DD Platform query AnalyticsReportRevenue event
  • Expected output: Information reported successfully.
    1. After reconnecting to the network
    2. View the ReportRevenue event in Adjust delivery data +1, and the ReportRevenue (revenue) event amount +1000.
    3. Export data verification (2-4 hours): Export data contains income events and amount data.
    4. DD Platform successfully queries the event reporting with methodName as AnalyticsReportRevenue and method_id=715.


  • The reported event must implement the token found on Adjust dashboard.
  • If initialization fails, the STAT_ADJUST_APP_TOKEN and ADJUST_INFO1 information of the Adjust project is incomplete.
  • Adjust supports the callback parameter and partner parameter.
    For more information, see ReportEvent.
    For an example of the integration, see Analytics.
  • It is recommended to enable Sandbox mode for Adjust event reporting. Data updates for the dashboard depend on the realtime performance of the background calculations. Data is usually updated in a few minutes, but can be updated on the next day in some cases. If the data is not updated after 30 minutes, check again the next day.

Error codes

For more information, see Adjust Help Center.