Data Type
Common Parameters
Access Source
Source | Source |
Client | 0 |
Server | 1 |
Midas | 2 |
Center control | 8 |
Third-party channel | 9 |
Web | 11 |
WeChat community | 16 |
Authorization module | 17 |
Game event platform | 18 |
Authentication module | 20 |
Custom accounts | 21 |
Customer service system | 22 |
Data Management & Compliance System (DMCS) | 23 |
Questionnaire platform | 24 |
GameConfigS | 25 |
Player Network | 26 |
Player Network Console | 27 |
Login launcher console | 28 |
Account deletion service | 29 |
Game event CGI | 30 |
Web caller of account deletion service | 31 |
JSSDK | 32 |
Security component server | 33 |
Player Network Console internal tool | 34 |
Player Network Community backend | 35 |
Security cleansing access | 36 |
GameNative client | 37 |
SmartLink | 38 |
Player Network SDK configuration delivery API | 39 |
Garena backend | 40 |
Operating System (OS)
Operating system | OS |
Android | 1 |
iOS | 2 |
Web | 3 |
Linux | 4 |
Windows | 5 |
Nintendo | 6 |
Mac | 7 |
PlayStation | 8 |
Xbox | 9 |
Channel Information
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
code | string | Authorization code used to obtain access token | Required |
user_name | string | User name returned by the channel | Optional |
app_id | string | Apple app ID, required for multi-channel packages | Optional |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
access_token | string | Access token for web user | Required |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token | Required |
expires_in | uint | Time before the access token expires Unit: seconds | Required |
redirect_uri | string | Redirect URI | Optional |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
openid | string | Unique user ID, the response parameter account_id from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
nickname | string | User nickname for display | Optional |
access_token | string | Access token for web user | Required |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token | Optional |
expires_in | uint | Time before the access token expires Unit: seconds | Optional |
refresh_expires_in | uint | Time before the refresh token expires Unit: seconds | Optional |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
access_token | string | Access token for web user | Required |
Facebook Instant Game
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
signature | string | Signature of the Facebook Instant Game | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
token | string | Access token for web user, the response parameter token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required for Player Network SDK Login |
garena_sns_openid | string | Garena OpenID for web user, the response parameter garena_sns_openid from the thirdAuthorize API | Required for garena link |
garena_sns_token | string | Garena access token for web user, the response parameter garena_sns_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required for garena link |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
code | string | Authorization code used to obtain access token | Required |
Kakao v3
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
zat | string | Access token for Kakao v3 | Required |
picture | string | Avatar | Optional |
playerid | string | Player ID | Optional |
username | string | User identifier | Optional |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
access_token | string | Access token for web user | Required |
expires_in | int64 | Time before the access token expires Unit: seconds | Optional |
PlayStation 5
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
code | string | Access token for web user | Required |
redirect_uri | string | Redirect URI | Optional |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
openid.ns | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.mode | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.op_endpoint | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.claimed_id | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.identity | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.return_to | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.response_nonce | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.assoc_handle | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.signed | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
openid.sig | string | Field required by Steam web login protocol | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
access_token | string | Access token for web user | Required |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token | Required |
expires_in | uint | Time before the access token expires Unit: seconds | Required |
token_type | string | Access token type For example, "bearer". | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
oauth_token | string | Access token for web user, the response parameter access_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
oauth_secret | string | Access secret for web user, the response parameter secret from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
token | string | Access token for web user, the response parameter access_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
auth_token | string | Access token for web user, the response parameter auth_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
xuid | string | Xbox UID for web user, the response parameter xuid from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
access_token | string | Access token for web user, response parameter access_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token for web user, response parameter refresh_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
expires_in | string | Expiration time for QQ authentication, response parameter expires_in from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
openid | string | QQ openid for web user, response parameter openid from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
code | string | Access code for web user, response parameter auth_token from the thirdAuthorize API | Required |
Parameter | Type | Description | Remark |
token | string | User authorization token for custom account | Required |
openid | string | Custom account UID | Required |
account_plat_type | number | Account platform type used to differentiate different custom account platforms ACCOUNT_PLAT_TYPE assigned by Player Network Console, value for LI PASS is 131 | Required |
account | string | User account such as email | Required |