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Backend Error Code


Error codeDescription

Common Errors

Error codeDescription
101inet_aton fail
102HttpsClient fail
103Connect network fail
104Connect network timeout

Request Parameter Errors (1000~1099)

Error codeDescription
1000Invalid cgi
1001Invalid cgi
1002Invalid cmd
1003Lack parm
1004http body is null
1005http body format error
1006lack param in http body
1007invalid parameter
1008invalid sig
1009invalid param in body
1010invalid req format
1021invalid account type
1022invalid account id
1023invalid uid
1024invalid account platform type

Internal Errors (1100~1199)

Error codeDescription
1100get ip from l5 fail
1101get ip from dns fail
1102encode fail
1103cal sig fail
1104internal error
1110invalid inet addr
1111invalid json string
1112invalid appid info pls check config appidinfo
1113invalid config appidsecret
1114http Obj internal error
1199other error

Permission Errors(1200~1299)

Error codeDescription
1200no permission

Redis Errors(1300~1399)

Error codeDescription
1300conn redis fail
1301access redis auth fail
1302conn redis fail !
1303redis unvalid rsp
1304redis hmset save fail
1305redis del operation fail

Custom Account Errors(101~2223)

Error codeError messageDescription
101InetAtonFailIP address translation failed
102HttpsClientFailFailed to send HTTPS request
103ConnNetworkFailNetwork connection failed
104ConnNetworkTimeoutNetwork connection timeout
1001InvalidCgiInvalid request path
1005HttpBodyFormatInvalidInvalid field in request body
1006HttpBodyLackParmMissing fields in request body
1007InvalidParamInvalid field in request body
1008InvalidSigInvalid request signature
1009HttpBodyInvalidParmInvalid fields in the request body
1010InvalidRequestFormatInvalid request format (request cannot be parsed/missing parameters)
1021InvalidAccountTypeInvalid account type (neither email nor mobile)
1022InvalidAccountIDAccount is empty
1023InvalidUIDAccount ID is empty or contains spaces
1024InvalidAccountPlatTypeInvalid account platform
1100GetIpFromL5FailFailed to fetching downstream via L5
1101GetIpFromDnsFailFailed to get downstream by domain name
1104ConfigErrorConfig error
1111Invalid_JSONStringJson parsing failed
1112InvalidAppidInfoFailed to load the app_id configuration
1199OtherErrorOther errors
1200NoPermissionVerification code or password cannot be used to log in
1302Redis_ConnFailStorage connection failed
1304Redis_HmsetSaveFailFailed to write hash data
1305RedisDelKeyFailData deletion failed
1306Redis_HgetFailFailed to read hash field
1307Redis_HgetNilHash field read is empty
1308Redis_HDELFailHash field deletion failed
1309Redis_HDELFieldNotExistedHash field does not exist
1310Redis_ZADDFailFailed to add element
1311Redis_ZADD_InvalidRspTypeAdded element response type is invalid
1312Redis_SETFailFailed to store data
1313Redis_SET_InvalidRspTypeStored data response type is invalid
1314Redis_SETNotOKFailed to store data
1315Redis_GETFailFailed to read data
1316Redis_GET_InvalidRspTypeData read response type is invalid
1317Redis_ZREVRANGEFailFailed to query the specified range element
1318Redis_ZREVRANGE_InvalidRspTypeElement response type is invalid for the query specified range
1319Redis_ZREMRANGEBYRANKFailFailed to delete the specified range element
1320Redis_ZREMRANGEBYRANK_InvalidRspTypeInvalid response type for deleting elements in the specified range
1321Redis_DELFailFailed to delete data
1322Redis_DEL_InvalidRspTypeResponse type to delete data is invalid
1323Redis_ZSCOREFailFailed to query the specified element score
1324Redis_ZSCORE_InvalidRspTypeResponse type of the specified element score query is invalid
1325Redis_EXISTSFailFailed to query whether the specified element exists
1326Redis_EXISTS_InvalidRspTypeFailed to query whether the specified element has a response type
1327Redis_HSETNXFailFailed to write hash data
1328Redis_HSETNX_InvalidRspTypeInvalid response type for writing hash data
1510InvalidEmailFormatEmail cannot be divided into two parts by @
1511RejectDomainEmail domain name is blocked
1512RejectEmailEmail address is blocked
1513RateLimitForRejectDomainEmail address domain name triggers the frequency limit
1514RateLimitForRejectEmailEmail address triggers the blocking frequency limit
2001AccountNotExistsAccount does not exist
2002AccountWrongPasswordIncorrect password
2003AccountUIDNotExistsAccount ID does not exist
2011AccountAbnormalStatusInvalid account status
2013AccountStorageDataErrorReturn type of the account store is invalid
2022AccountExpiredVerifyCodeVerification code has been used or has not been sent
2101AccountInvalidTokenToken resolution failed or does not match the UID
2102AccountTokenExpiredToken has expired
2103AccountIsNullRegistered account is empty
2104AccountUidIsNullRegistered account ID is empty
2106AccountTypeIsNotExistInvalid account type (neither email nor mobile)
2107AccountRandSaltIsNullRandSalt is empty on registration
2108AccountPasswordIsNullNo password is set for the current account
2111AccountIncrErrFailed to create an account ID
2112AccountIsExistAccount already exists
2114AccountCheckVerifyCodeInvalidVerification code does not match
2115AccountPushVerifyCodeFailFailed to get game history
2116AccountEmailRegexFailEmail address Regex failed
2117AccountEmailFormatEmail address length is invalid or the mail address regular match failed
2118AccountEmailOtherFormatInvalid email address format
2119AccountVerifyCodeTypeVerification code type is invalid
2120AccountPasswordLenInvalid password length
2122AccountPasswordOtherFormatPassword format error
2123KeyLimitRate limiting
2124IncrKeyLenCounting Key of the rate limit is invalid
2126AccountPhoneRegexFailFailed to configure mobile phone number rules
2127AccountPhoneFormatLength or format of the mobile phone number is invalid
2128AccountPhoneOtherFormatMobile phone number format is invalid
2129AccountSendPhoneCodeNetWorkFailed to send HTTPS request
2130AccountSendPhoneCodeIP32IP address translation failed
2131SendPhoneRtnHttpCodeHTTP response status is not 200
2132SendPhoneReqFmtHTTP response structure is invalid
2134AccountInvalidCodeTypeType of the SMS verification code is invalid
2135AccountInvalidSmsTplSMS template or SMS signature is invalid
2136AccountModifyPwdIsSameOld and new passwords are the same
2137AccountPngVerifyCodeFailImage code verification failed
2138AccountGoogleReCAPTCHAFailGoogle ReCAPTCHA verification failed
2139APPDONOTSUPPORTACCPLATFailed to load the account platform configuration
2140AccountInvalidPlatTokenTicket does not match the account platform in the request
2141InvalidAppidTicket does not match the app ID in the request
2142Same_AccountOld and new accounts are the same
2143AccountExistsAccount already exists
2145AccountSendSmsFailFailed to send SMS verification code
2146AccountUserNameLenLength of the username is invalid
2147AccountUserNameFmtErrInvalid username format
2148AccountBirthDayLenLength of the birthday information is invalid
2149AccountBirthDayFmtErrFormat of the birthday information is invalid
2151AccountUserNameExistsUsername is already in use
2152LangTypeLenInvalid language length
2153LangTypeFmtErrInvalid language format
2154ChangeProfileIsNullParamsPersonal information not modified
2155AccountBirthDayTimeErrBirthday information later than the current time
2156SaveUserInfo2EsFailFailed to store personal information
2157AccountDelSwitchCurrent service or account platform does not allow account deletion
2160DelUserInfo2EsFailFailed to delete personal information
2162InvalidResponseFormatInvalid response format
2164IsUserNameDirtyUsername is a dirty word
2166DeliverServerErrDelivery service returned an error
2167EmailTemplateErrEmail template name is empty
2168EmailRSAEncodeErrFailed to generate email unsubscription link
2169NickNameLenNickname is too long
2170NeedMachineCAPTCHA needed
2172TencentCaptchaInvalidTencent CAPTCHA failed
2173TencentSMSKeyErrorSMS sending configuration is missing
2174DeliverSMSServerErrFailed to send SMS
2180OnlyEmailExistedCurrent account contains only an email address, which cannot be unlinked
2181OnlyPhoneExistedCurrent account contains a mobile phone, which cannot be unlinked
2182UnsetAccountFailedFailed to unlink the account
2183UnsetAccountInvalidRspResponse type to unlink an account is invalid
2184ForbidUnlinkEmailUnlinking email is prohibited
2185ForbidUnlinkPhoneUnlinking mobile phone is prohibited
2186InvalidCodeTypeVerification code type is invalid
2187IPToRegionFailedRegion lookup by IP failed
2188ForbidRegisterRegistration is prohibited
2189RegexCompileFailedRegex compilation failed
2190RegexExecuteFailedRegex matching failed
2191RegexHaveNoMatchedNo matching Regex
2192EmailMatchRejectRuleEmail address that sends the verification code matches the ban rule
2193LoginEmailMatchRejectRuleEmail address for login matches the ban rule
2200GameSACCLoginFailedLI PASS cluster failed to request the custom account for password verification
2201GetGameSACCInfoFailedLI PASS cluster failed to request or get the password for the custom account
2210AbnormalPasswordAbnormal password
2211InvalidGameNameGame name is empty
2212CanNotFindGameNameConfigFailed to get game name
2213PasswordConflictPassword entered by the player is the password of the custom account currently logged into the game instead of the password of the LI PASS
2223OtherRequestInRegisterPlease do not click again, as you are currently in the registration process