101 | InetAtonFail | IP address translation failed |
102 | HttpsClientFail | Failed to send HTTPS request |
103 | ConnNetworkFail | Network connection failed |
104 | ConnNetworkTimeout | Network connection timeout |
1001 | InvalidCgi | Invalid request path |
1005 | HttpBodyFormatInvalid | Invalid field in request body |
1006 | HttpBodyLackParm | Missing fields in request body |
1007 | InvalidParam | Invalid field in request body |
1008 | InvalidSig | Invalid request signature |
1009 | HttpBodyInvalidParm | Invalid fields in the request body |
1010 | InvalidRequestFormat | Invalid request format (request cannot be parsed/missing parameters) |
1021 | InvalidAccountType | Invalid account type (neither email nor mobile) |
1022 | InvalidAccountID | Account is empty |
1023 | InvalidUID | Account ID is empty or contains spaces |
1024 | InvalidAccountPlatType | Invalid account platform |
1100 | GetIpFromL5Fail | Failed to fetching downstream via L5 |
1101 | GetIpFromDnsFail | Failed to get downstream by domain name |
1104 | ConfigError | Config error |
1111 | Invalid_JSONString | Json parsing failed |
1112 | InvalidAppidInfo | Failed to load the app_id configuration |
1199 | OtherError | Other errors |
1200 | NoPermission | Verification code or password cannot be used to log in |
1302 | Redis_ConnFail | Storage connection failed |
1304 | Redis_HmsetSaveFail | Failed to write hash data |
1305 | RedisDelKeyFail | Data deletion failed |
1306 | Redis_HgetFail | Failed to read hash field |
1307 | Redis_HgetNil | Hash field read is empty |
1308 | Redis_HDELFail | Hash field deletion failed |
1309 | Redis_HDELFieldNotExisted | Hash field does not exist |
1310 | Redis_ZADDFail | Failed to add element |
1311 | Redis_ZADD_InvalidRspType | Added element response type is invalid |
1312 | Redis_SETFail | Failed to store data |
1313 | Redis_SET_InvalidRspType | Stored data response type is invalid |
1314 | Redis_SETNotOK | Failed to store data |
1315 | Redis_GETFail | Failed to read data |
1316 | Redis_GET_InvalidRspType | Data read response type is invalid |
1317 | Redis_ZREVRANGEFail | Failed to query the specified range element |
1318 | Redis_ZREVRANGE_InvalidRspType | Element response type is invalid for the query specified range |
1319 | Redis_ZREMRANGEBYRANKFail | Failed to delete the specified range element |
1320 | Redis_ZREMRANGEBYRANK_InvalidRspType | Invalid response type for deleting elements in the specified range |
1321 | Redis_DELFail | Failed to delete data |
1322 | Redis_DEL_InvalidRspType | Response type to delete data is invalid |
1323 | Redis_ZSCOREFail | Failed to query the specified element score |
1324 | Redis_ZSCORE_InvalidRspType | Response type of the specified element score query is invalid |
1325 | Redis_EXISTSFail | Failed to query whether the specified element exists |
1326 | Redis_EXISTS_InvalidRspType | Failed to query whether the specified element has a response type |
1327 | Redis_HSETNXFail | Failed to write hash data |
1328 | Redis_HSETNX_InvalidRspType | Invalid response type for writing hash data |
1510 | InvalidEmailFormat | Email cannot be divided into two parts by @ |
1511 | RejectDomain | Email domain name is blocked |
1512 | RejectEmail | Email address is blocked |
1513 | RateLimitForRejectDomain | Email address domain name triggers the frequency limit |
1514 | RateLimitForRejectEmail | Email address triggers the blocking frequency limit |
2001 | AccountNotExists | Account does not exist |
2002 | AccountWrongPassword | Incorrect password |
2003 | AccountUIDNotExists | Account ID does not exist |
2011 | AccountAbnormalStatus | Invalid account status |
2013 | AccountStorageDataError | Return type of the account store is invalid |
2022 | AccountExpiredVerifyCode | Verification code has been used or has not been sent |
2101 | AccountInvalidToken | Token resolution failed or does not match the UID |
2102 | AccountTokenExpired | Token has expired |
2103 | AccountIsNull | Registered account is empty |
2104 | AccountUidIsNull | Registered account ID is empty |
2106 | AccountTypeIsNotExist | Invalid account type (neither email nor mobile) |
2107 | AccountRandSaltIsNull | RandSalt is empty on registration |
2108 | AccountPasswordIsNull | No password is set for the current account |
2111 | AccountIncrErr | Failed to create an account ID |
2112 | AccountIsExist | Account already exists |
2114 | AccountCheckVerifyCodeInvalid | Verification code does not match |
2115 | AccountPushVerifyCodeFail | Failed to get game history |
2116 | AccountEmailRegexFail | Email address Regex failed |
2117 | AccountEmailFormat | Email address length is invalid or the mail address regular match failed |
2118 | AccountEmailOtherFormat | Invalid email address format |
2119 | AccountVerifyCodeType | Verification code type is invalid |
2120 | AccountPasswordLen | Invalid password length |
2122 | AccountPasswordOtherFormat | Password format error |
2123 | KeyLimit | Rate limiting |
2124 | IncrKeyLen | Counting Key of the rate limit is invalid |
2126 | AccountPhoneRegexFail | Failed to configure mobile phone number rules |
2127 | AccountPhoneFormat | Length or format of the mobile phone number is invalid |
2128 | AccountPhoneOtherFormat | Mobile phone number format is invalid |
2129 | AccountSendPhoneCodeNetWork | Failed to send HTTPS request |
2130 | AccountSendPhoneCodeIP32 | IP address translation failed |
2131 | SendPhoneRtnHttpCode | HTTP response status is not 200 |
2132 | SendPhoneReqFmt | HTTP response structure is invalid |
2134 | AccountInvalidCodeType | Type of the SMS verification code is invalid |
2135 | AccountInvalidSmsTpl | SMS template or SMS signature is invalid |
2136 | AccountModifyPwdIsSame | Old and new passwords are the same |
2137 | AccountPngVerifyCodeFail | Image code verification failed |
2138 | AccountGoogleReCAPTCHAFail | Google ReCAPTCHA verification failed |
2139 | APPDONOTSUPPORTACCPLAT | Failed to load the account platform configuration |
2140 | AccountInvalidPlatToken | Ticket does not match the account platform in the request |
2141 | InvalidAppid | Ticket does not match the app ID in the request |
2142 | Same_Account | Old and new accounts are the same |
2143 | AccountExists | Account already exists |
2145 | AccountSendSmsFail | Failed to send SMS verification code |
2146 | AccountUserNameLen | Length of the username is invalid |
2147 | AccountUserNameFmtErr | Invalid username format |
2148 | AccountBirthDayLen | Length of the birthday information is invalid |
2149 | AccountBirthDayFmtErr | Format of the birthday information is invalid |
2151 | AccountUserNameExists | Username is already in use |
2152 | LangTypeLen | Invalid language length |
2153 | LangTypeFmtErr | Invalid language format |
2154 | ChangeProfileIsNullParams | Personal information not modified |
2155 | AccountBirthDayTimeErr | Birthday information later than the current time |
2156 | SaveUserInfo2EsFail | Failed to store personal information |
2157 | AccountDelSwitch | Current service or account platform does not allow account deletion |
2160 | DelUserInfo2EsFail | Failed to delete personal information |
2162 | InvalidResponseFormat | Invalid response format |
2164 | IsUserNameDirty | Username is a dirty word |
2166 | DeliverServerErr | Delivery service returned an error |
2167 | EmailTemplateErr | Email template name is empty |
2168 | EmailRSAEncodeErr | Failed to generate email unsubscription link |
2169 | NickNameLen | Nickname is too long |
2170 | NeedMachine | CAPTCHA needed |
2172 | TencentCaptchaInvalid | Tencent CAPTCHA failed |
2173 | TencentSMSKeyError | SMS sending configuration is missing |
2174 | DeliverSMSServerErr | Failed to send SMS |
2180 | OnlyEmailExisted | Current account contains only an email address, which cannot be unlinked |
2181 | OnlyPhoneExisted | Current account contains a mobile phone, which cannot be unlinked |
2182 | UnsetAccountFailed | Failed to unlink the account |
2183 | UnsetAccountInvalidRsp | Response type to unlink an account is invalid |
2184 | ForbidUnlinkEmail | Unlinking email is prohibited |
2185 | ForbidUnlinkPhone | Unlinking mobile phone is prohibited |
2186 | InvalidCodeType | Verification code type is invalid |
2187 | IPToRegionFailed | Region lookup by IP failed |
2188 | ForbidRegister | Registration is prohibited |
2189 | RegexCompileFailed | Regex compilation failed |
2190 | RegexExecuteFailed | Regex matching failed |
2191 | RegexHaveNoMatched | No matching Regex |
2192 | EmailMatchRejectRule | Email address that sends the verification code matches the ban rule |
2193 | LoginEmailMatchRejectRule | Email address for login matches the ban rule |
2200 | GameSACCLoginFailed | LI PASS cluster failed to request the custom account for password verification |
2201 | GetGameSACCInfoFailed | LI PASS cluster failed to request or get the password for the custom account |
2210 | AbnormalPassword | Abnormal password |
2211 | InvalidGameName | Game name is empty |
2212 | CanNotFindGameNameConfig | Failed to get game name |
2213 | PasswordConflict | Password entered by the player is the password of the custom account currently logged into the game instead of the password of the LI PASS |
2223 | OtherRequestInRegister | Please do not click again, as you are currently in the registration process |