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OpenGameDataAuthCenter (MSDK Only)

[MSDK Only] Open the webpage that authorizes game data.

Supported Platform

Supports Android, iOS platform.

Function Definition

void OpenGameDataAuthCenter(string url,
int screenType = 1,
bool isFullScreen = false,
string extraJson = "");

Input Parameters

urlstringURL of the webpage that authorizes game data
screenTypeintScreen orientation
1: Portrait and Landscape
2: Portrait
3: Landscape
isFullScreenboolWhether to use the full screen mode
extraJsonstringExtended field

Callback Processing

The callback processing API is GUAWebViewResultObserver. The callback data structure is GUAWebViewRet.

The callback event is WebViewRetEvents. The callback methodID is GUA_WEBVIEW_CLOSE_URL.

Code Sample
