Registers the callback of the Player Network SDK Auth module, the game needs to process the callback function. For more information on the callback data structure, see AuthResult.
It is strongly recommended to perform registration in the startup function of the game application.
Function definition
static FINTLAuthEvent& GetAuthResultObserver();
Code sample
// Add callbacks
AuthResultObserver = UINTLSDKAPI::GetAuthResultObserver().AddUObject(this, &ULevelInfiniteWindow::OnAuthResult_Callback);
// Handle AuthResultObserver callback result
void ULevelInfiniteWindow::OnAuthResult_Callback(FINTLAuthResult AuthResult)
if(AuthResult.MethodId == (int32)LIEnterGameMethodId::kLILoginEnterGame)
FString logStr;
if(AuthResult.RetCode == INTL_NAMESPACE::ErrorCode::SUCCESS)
logStr = TEXT("LI PASS login success");
logStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("LI PASS login failed, ret_code = %d, ret_msg = %s"), AuthResult.RetCode, *AuthResult.RetMsg);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("%s"), *logStr);
} else if (AuthResult.MethodId == (int32)LIEnterGameMethodId::kLIAutoLoginEnterGame){
if(AuthResult.RetCode == INTL_NAMESPACE::ErrorCode::SUCCESS)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("LI PASS Autologin success"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("LI PASS Autologin failed, ret_code = %d, ret_msg = %s"), AuthResult.RetCode, *AuthResult.RetMsg);
// Remove callbacks