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EventTypeLIEventTypeEvent ID, see LIEventType for details
ExtraJsonExtended fieldNot required


GN_READYLI PASS resources ready
GN_REPEATRepeat SDK initialization
GN_DISABLEDGameNative SDK disabled
LOGIN_PANEL_OPENOpen LI PASS login interface
LOGIN_PANEL_CLOSEClose LI PASS login interface
ACCOUNT_CENTER_OPENOpen account settings
ACCOUNT_CENTER_CLOSEClose account settings
DELETE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESSAccount deletion from LI PASS Account Center successfulFor LI PASS V1.13.00 and later
DELETE_ACCOUNT_FAILAccount deletion from LI PASS Account Center failedFor LI PASS V1.13.00 and later
DELETE_PARAMETERS_MISSINGMissing parameters during account deletion from LI PASS Account CenterFor LI PASS V1.13.00 and later
LIP_PANEL_OPENOpen LI PASS interfaceFor LI PASS V1.17.00 and later
LIP_PANEL_CLOSEClose LI PASS interfaceFor LI PASS V1.17.00 and later
SOCIAL_FEATURE_APPROVE_STATUSAuthorization status of messaging for minors, see SOCIAL_FEATURE_APPROVE_STATUS for details on the returned JSON string
SOCIAL_FEATURE_APPROVE_RESULTAuthorization result of messaging for minors
0: Unauthorized
1: Authorized for all
2: Authorized for friends only

Default: 0
For LI PASS V1.17.00 and later
RESET_GAME_UI_FOCUSReset focus of game UIFor LI PASS V1.17.00 and later, console only
GENERATE_OPEN_ID_SUCCESSLI PASS OpenID generated successfullyFor LI PASS V1.17.00 and later

DELETE_ACCOUNT_SUCCESS shows that the game account as well as the link between LI PASS and the game is deleted. However, the player's LI PASS cannot be deleted from within the game.

LIP_PANEL_OPEN, LIP_PANEL_CLOSE is applicable to all LI PASS interfaces, including the login interface, and can be used to listen for the opening and closing of LI PASS pages.


panelNameFStringName of the LI PASS interface
extraJsonFStringExtended parameters, such as including the name of the popup interface for general popups


ParameterFStringName of the LI PASS interface
isClosedManuallyboolWhether the interface was closed manually
extraJsonFStringExtended parameters, such as including the name of the popup interface for general popups
Will return whether the player has cancelled account deletion for the cooling-off period popup


VoiceControlStatusAuthorization status of social feature controls
-1: Messaging feature denied by parent (Messaging scope set to Nobody)
0: Unauthorized
1: Authorized for all
2: Authorized for friends only
NeedVoiceControlIngameWhether social feature controls is required in-game
0: Not required
1: Required
NeedVoiceControlWhether social feature controls is required
0: Not required
1: Required
NeedVoiceControlParentCertWhether parental authorization is required for social feature controls
0: Not required
1: Required