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Messaging for Minors

LI PASS provides a set of standardized compliance solutions, and projects can directly configure compliance services without using the APIs mentioned in this article if LI PASS is integrated. For projects that have LI PASS integrated, contact the Player Network representative for more details.

For projects that do not use the standard LI PASS compliance solution, this article aims to introduce the APIs provided by Player Network for messaging for minors and how to use them.


Before using the messaging for minors feature, voice control has to be enabled from the backend. For more information, reach out to the Player Network representative.

Before calling the required compliance APIs, projects are required to configure the key parameters in the URL, such as region and lang_type:

Implement messaging for minors

Image: ComplianceSocialFeature_NonLIPFlow
  1. Call ComplianceQueryUserInfo to query the player's compliance information and determine if the player is a minor.

  2. Determine if messaging verification is required to be completed.

    // Process the INTLComplianceResult callback
    public void OnComplianceResultEvent(INTLComplianceResult complianceRet)
    if (complianceRet.MethodId == (int)INTLMethodID.INTL_COMPLIANCE_QUERY_USER_INFO)
    // Underage, messaging verification is required but not completed
    if (complianceRet.AdultStatus == -1 &&
    complianceRet.NeedVoiceControlIngame == 1 &&
    complianceRet.VoiceControlStatus == 0)
    // Obtain messaging for minors verification URL
    // Open above URL with OpenURL

    AdultStatusDetermines whether the user is an adult
    -2: Below the minimum age of game rating; cannot access the game
    -1: Minor
    0: Not set
    1: Adult
    VoiceControlStatusAuthorization status of social feature controls
    -1: Messaging feature denied by parent (Messaging scope set to Nobody)
    0: Unauthorized
    1: Authorized for all
    2: Authorized for friends only
    NeedVoiceControlIngameWhether social feature controls is required in-game
    0: Not required
    1: Required
  3. If messaging verification is required, call ComplianceGetSocialFeatureVerifyUrl to obtain the URL for messaging verification for minors.

    string url = INTLAPI.ComplianceGetSocialFeatureVerifyUrl();
  4. Open the above URL with OpenURL to display the webpage for messaging verification for minors.
